1.这个是说节点服务器只能用单个vic网卡去连接FI嘛?看不懂!!!!!2.通过hx-install创建用于hx-node的 service profile的时候,创建了out-of-band cimc的ip地址范围段,也就是节点带外管理的段。这个是否有必要去创建?因为本身创建带内的管理段。
4.超融合里面,hx-node里面的vsphere uplink是怎么设计的?这个uplink是继承ucsm里面的uplink的配置嘛?如果这样,ucsm里面指定的uplink是否可以有类似trunk的机制。
A Cisco HyperFlex cluster contains a minimum of three converged HyperFlex nodes. There is an option of
adding compute-only nodes to provide additional compute power if there is no need for extra storage. Each
server in a HyperFlex cluster is also referred as a HyperFlex node. Make sure that each node has the following
settings installed and configured before you deploy the storage cluster.
For further information, refer to the
Cisco HX240c/220c HyperFlex Node Installation Guides.
Ensure that the following host requirements are met.
• Use the same VLAN IDs for all the servers (node or hosts) in the cluster.
• Use the same administrator login credentials for all the ESXi servers across the storage cluster.
• Keep SSH enabled on all ESXi hosts.
• Configure DNS and NTP on all servers.
• Install and configure VMware vSphere.
• Use single VIC only for Converged nodes or Compute–only nodes. Additional VICs or PCIe NICs are
not supported.