
Aironet1830にMobility Express

Level 1
Level 1

Aironet1830にMobility Expressを導入してブラウザからWLCの画面を確認することが出来ましたが、

Mobility Expressを設定した機器自身をAPとして発見することが出来ません。

APをMobility Expressにしても、電波を発する機能はあり、WLC兼APのように


またMobility Express導入後にCiscoAirProvisionのSSIDが見えるようになるとの






Aironetが1台のみでMobility Expressの場合だと、

Country Code を J2 にしてると自身にJoinできないパターンは過去に経験したことがあるので、
もし J2 を選んでいるなら、まずは J4 でJoinできるか試してみるのが良いかと思います。

Mobility ExpressのAPだと中古で買ってる方も見かけるので。

Hideyuki Osaki
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

LED の光り方からして、Join していないということでしょうね。HW としては同一の筐体内部の話なのですが、内蔵コントローラーと内蔵 AP の間で IP で CAPWAP を使った通信を行って集中管理することになります。そのためにはまずアドレスを取得する必要がありますが、DHCP を利用されていますか?DHCP の場合は外部 DHCP サーバを使うほか、CME の内部 DHCP サーバを使うこともできます。Static で行く場合は(あまり推奨できませんが)、内蔵コントローラーと AP、それぞれに異なるアドレス(かつ、同一サブネット)を設定してやる必要があり、シリアルコンソールケーブル接続などが必要になる可能性があります。



MyHomeNWLab様、Osaki様 ご教授ありがとう御座います。






# WLC Config Begin <Thu Feb 8 13:16:11 2024>
! Number of APs: 1
! PID: AIR-AP1832I-Q-K9, SN: ********
! Product Version:
! ******************** PORT SUMMARY **********************
! STP Admin Physical Physical Link Link
! Pr Type Stat Mode Mode Status Status Trap POE
! -- ------- ---- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ---------
! 1 Normal Forw Enable Auto 1000 Full Up Enable N/A
! ******************** CDP NEIGHBOUR SUMMARY **********************
! Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
! S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
! M - Remotely Managed Device
! Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID

config local-auth eap-profile cert-issuer cisco gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile add gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile method add leap gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile method add fast gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile method add peap gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile cert-verify date-valid enable gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile cert-verify ca-issuer enable gbl_eap_profile
config local-auth eap-profile cert-verify cn-verify disable gbl_eap_profile
config location expiry tags 5
config countries-list add J4
config dhcp proxy disable bootp-broadcast disable
config network mgmt-via-wireless enable
config network multicast l2mcast disable service-port
config network multicast l2mcast disable virtual
config network rf-network-name MobilityExpress
config mdns policy service-group user-role add default-mdns-policy admin
config mdns policy service-group create default-mdns-policy "Default Access Policy created by WLC"
config mdns profile create default-mdns-profile
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile AirTunes
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Airplay
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Googlecast
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile HP_Photosmart_Printer_1
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile HP_Photosmart_Printer_2
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile HomeSharing
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Printer-IPP
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Printer-IPPS
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Printer-LPD
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Printer-SOCKET
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile iTuneWirelessDeviceSharing_2
config mdns service origin all AirTunes
config mdns service create AirTunes _raop._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all Airplay
config mdns service create Airplay _airplay._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all Googlecast
config mdns service create Googlecast _googlecast._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all HP_Photosmart_Printer_1
config mdns service query enable HP_Photosmart_Printer_1
config mdns service create HP_Photosmart_Printer_1 _universal._sub._ipp._tcp.local. origin all lss disable query enable
config mdns service origin all HP_Photosmart_Printer_2
config mdns service query enable HP_Photosmart_Printer_2
config mdns service create HP_Photosmart_Printer_2 _cups._sub._ipp._tcp.local. origin all lss disable query enable
config mdns service origin all HomeSharing
config mdns service query enable HomeSharing
config mdns service create HomeSharing _home-sharing._tcp.local. origin all lss disable query enable
config mdns service origin all Printer-IPP
config mdns service create Printer-IPP _ipp._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all Printer-IPPS
config mdns service create Printer-IPPS _ipps._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all Printer-LPD
config mdns service create Printer-LPD _printer._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all Printer-SOCKET
config mdns service create Printer-SOCKET _pdl-datastream._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config mdns service origin all iTuneWirelessDeviceSharing_2
config mdns service create iTuneWirelessDeviceSharing_2 _apple-mobdev2._tcp.local. origin all lss disable
config time ntp interval 86400
config time ntp server 1
config time ntp server 2 1.ciscome.pool.ntp.org
config time ntp server 3 2.ciscome.pool.ntp.org
config time timezone location 26
config advanced 802.11b packet silver max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet silver max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet silver timeout 0
config advanced 802.11b packet silver max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11b packet platinum max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet platinum max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet platinum timeout 0
config advanced 802.11b packet platinum max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11b packet gold max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet gold max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet gold timeout 0
config advanced 802.11b packet gold max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11b packet bronze max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet bronze max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11b packet bronze timeout 0
config advanced 802.11b packet bronze max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11b channel add 1
config advanced 802.11b channel add 6
config advanced 802.11b channel add 11
config advanced 802.11b channel pda-prop enable
config advanced 802.11b channel cleanair-event sensitivity low
config advanced probe limit 2 500
config advanced 802.11a packet silver max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet silver max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet silver timeout 0
config advanced 802.11a packet silver max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11a packet platinum max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet platinum max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet platinum timeout 0
config advanced 802.11a packet platinum max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11a packet gold max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet gold max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet gold timeout 0
config advanced 802.11a packet gold max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11a packet bronze max-client-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet bronze max-packet-count 0
config advanced 802.11a packet bronze timeout 0
config advanced 802.11a packet bronze max-retry 0
config advanced 802.11a channel add 36
config advanced 802.11a channel add 40
config advanced 802.11a channel add 44
config advanced 802.11a channel add 48
config advanced 802.11a channel add 52
config advanced 802.11a channel add 56
config advanced 802.11a channel add 60
config advanced 802.11a channel add 64
config advanced 802.11a channel add 100
config advanced 802.11a channel add 104
config advanced 802.11a channel add 108
config advanced 802.11a channel add 112
config advanced 802.11a channel add 116
config advanced 802.11a channel add 120
config advanced 802.11a channel add 124
config advanced 802.11a channel add 128
config advanced 802.11a channel add 132
config advanced 802.11a channel add 136
config advanced 802.11a channel add 140
config advanced 802.11a channel add 144
config advanced 802.11a channel add 184
config advanced 802.11a channel add 188
config advanced 802.11a channel add 192
config advanced 802.11a channel add 196
config advanced 802.11a channel pda-prop enable
config advanced 802.11a channel dca chan-width best
config rogue detection min-rssi -80
config rogue detection security-level high
config rogue detection monitor-ap report-interval 30
config rogue detection monitor-ap transient-rogue-interval 300
config rogue detection report-interval 30
config rogue detection transient-rogue-interval 300
config rogue client mse enable
config rogue ap rldp enable alarm-only monitor-ap-only
config rogue containment auto-rate enable
config rogue auto-contain level 0
config netuser maxuserlogin 5
config service samp-stats statistics-interval 120
config wlan wmm allow 1
config wlan mfp client enable 1
config wlan wmm allow 2
config wlan mfp client enable 2
config wlan downlink_mumimo disable 2
config wlan wmm allow 3
config wlan mfp client enable 3
config wlan downlink_mumimo disable 3
config wlan mdns disable 1
config wlan mdns profile 2 none
config wlan mdns disable 2
config wlan downlink_ofdma disable 2
config wlan mdns profile 3 none
config wlan mdns disable 3
config wlan downlink_ofdma disable 3
config wlan dhcp-scope 1 scope-name none
config wlan band-select allow enable 1
config wlan dms enable 1
config wlan broadcast-ssid enable 1
config wlan dhcp-scope 2 scope-name none
config wlan band-select allow enable 2
config wlan dms enable 2
config wlan broadcast-ssid enable 2
config wlan dhcp-scope 3 scope-name none
config wlan band-select allow enable 3
config wlan radius_server auth add 3 1
config wlan dms enable 3
config wlan broadcast-ssid enable 3
config wlan flexconnect local-switching 1 enable
config wlan flexconnect local-switching 2 enable
config wlan flexconnect local-switching 3 enable
config wlan session-timeout 1 0
config wlan session-timeout 2 0
config wlan session-timeout 3 1800
config wlan hotspot dot11u auth-type 0 1
config wlan hotspot dot11u ipaddr-type 0 0 1
config wlan hotspot dot11u network-type 1 0 0
config wlan hotspot dot11u auth-type 0 2
config wlan hotspot dot11u ipaddr-type 0 0 2
config wlan hotspot dot11u network-type 2 0 0
config wlan hotspot dot11u auth-type 0 3
config wlan hotspot dot11u ipaddr-type 0 0 3
config wlan hotspot dot11u network-type 3 0 0
config wlan security wpa akm sae set-key hex encrypt 1 0e602ff1be8c917eb168e0d32b580fcc f718806a44ea4e9ad95e9769d580658120ed4245 80 86f664e11044b966410a5bb875986730f2a19eedcc70cbae6a049abb0c63623a7a22a55deee263225101271a3416675e8be3985c9cdab76cb92bc3cfc5763fb189059244f62f138e8f0c01f78f9ed97200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1
config wlan security wpa akm 802.1x disable 1
config wlan security wpa akm psk set-key hex encrypt 1 4084420d2e3f8723b668302e8cdc414d 53b9acacfc89a4a9471f7bb5ea9927c40bd4a18a 48 88bc5cf776c423628faf57b2840391b6019b0b122ca572ea9e03688406563a4d3c4c741a5afe830c95ec8265bfe54e72000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1
config wlan security wpa akm psk enable 1
config wlan security wpa enable 1
config wlan security ft adaptive enable 1
config wlan security web-auth server-precedence 1 local radius ldap
config wlan security web-auth captive-bypass disable 1
config wlan security pmf optional 1
config wlan security wpa akm sae set-key hex encrypt 1 7e78b3d2267ae0b56f0ca163a35a768a 733f4f18687a3bfda46d98449e90b9ffbefb0c36 80 67c6f2242c3e571752346cf83b6c80fd393aa8a27c7886d77249ed4f76f1c28e9bd512c53d79e93c30f63f94f5ead7f387a948d10f41e6540c514fa40511419ef9df6433673c53fab91255762b5efca900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2
config wlan security wpa akm 802.1x disable 2
config wlan security wpa akm psk set-key hex encrypt 1 11012a3b4272447adc533e71d548d1f7 f6e6318cf943218eb0bc5b24d69015a847593895 48 2198ec95ee5a79a72774de267f9a58b745952c47ca0b7e77ea199b23281d29a3f7493e18b551fb1f9df29eba5b150aa5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2
config wlan security wpa akm psk enable 2
config wlan security wpa enable 2
config wlan security ft adaptive enable 2
config wlan security web-auth server-precedence 2 local radius ldap
config wlan security web-auth captive-bypass enable 2
config wlan security pmf optional 2
config wlan security wpa enable 3
config wlan security ft adaptive enable 3
config wlan security web-auth server-precedence 3 radius local
config wlan security web-auth captive-bypass enable 3
config wlan bss-transition enable 1
config wlan interface 1 management
config wlan assisted-roaming neighbor-list enable 1
config wlan create 1 Q*****N-Free-test Q*****N-Free-test
config wlan bss-transition enable 2
config wlan uplink_mumimo disable 2
config wlan interface 2 management
config wlan uplink_ofdma disable 2
config wlan assisted-roaming neighbor-list enable 2
config wlan create 2 Q*****N-Guest-test Q*****N-Guest-test
config wlan bss-transition enable 3
config wlan uplink_mumimo disable 3
config wlan interface 3 management
config wlan uplink_ofdma disable 3
config wlan assisted-roaming neighbor-list enable 3
config wlan create 3 Q*****N-test Q*****N-test
config wlan exclusionlist 1 180
config wlan enable 1
config wlan exclusionlist 2 180
config wlan enable 2
config wlan exclusionlist 3 180
config wlan enable 3
config flexconnect avc profile Q*****N-Free-test create
config flexconnect avc profile Q*****N-Guest-test create
config flexconnect avc profile Q*****N-test create
config flexconnect vlan-name-id create vlan501_501
config flexconnect vlan-name-id template-entry add vlan501_501 vlan501 501
config flexconnect vlan-name-id apply vlan501_501
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup radius ap server-key encrypt 1 6f025ba0f64276f7c5cf9121c5ed0a9f fc20e19eb8a46b24fce8695bcc4c14cbc2ebe1ec d24f58d2b44ac509126bf3053f61d7fffadc4eb544736825a4566b3a77eae37b
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup radius ap authority info "Cisco A_ID"
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup radius ap authority id 436973636f0000000000000000000000
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup avc 1 profile Q*****N-Free-test enable
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup avc 2 profile Q*****N-Guest-test enable
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup avc 3 profile Q*****N-test enable
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup wlan-vlan wlan 1 add vlan 501
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup wlan-vlan wlan 2 add vlan 501
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup add
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup ap add 00:b0:e1:a4:3e:50
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup vlan native 1
config flexconnect group default-flexgroup vlan override-ap enable
config tacacs dns serverip
config qos protocol-type platinum none
config qos priority platinum voice voice besteffort
config qos dot1p-tag platinum 0
config sysname MobilityExpress
config rf-profile tx-power-control-thresh-v1 -65 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a disabled 6 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a disabled 9 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 12 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 18 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 24 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 36 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 48 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 54 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile create 802.11a High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 1 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 2 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 5.5 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 11 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 6 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 9 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 12 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 18 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 24 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 36 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 48 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 54 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile create 802.11b High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile tx-power-control-thresh-v1 -60 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 6 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 9 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 12 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 18 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 24 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 36 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 48 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 54 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile create 802.11a Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile tx-power-control-thresh-v1 -65 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 1 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 2 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 5.5 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 11 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 6 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 9 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 12 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 18 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 24 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 36 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 48 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 54 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile create 802.11b Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 6 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 9 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 12 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 18 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a mandatory 24 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 36 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 48 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11a supported 54 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile create 802.11a Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 1 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 2 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 5.5 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 11 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b disabled 6 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 9 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b mandatory 12 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 18 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 24 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 36 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 48 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile data-rates 802.11b supported 54 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile create 802.11b Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 36 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 40 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 44 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 48 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 52 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 56 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 60 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 64 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 100 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 104 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 108 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 112 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 116 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 120 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 124 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 128 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 132 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 136 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 140 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile rx-sop threshold -78 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile tx-power-min 7 High-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 1 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 6 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 11 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile rx-sop threshold -82 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile tx-power-min 7 High-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 36 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 40 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 44 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 48 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 52 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 56 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 60 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 64 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 100 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 104 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 108 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 112 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 116 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 120 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 124 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 128 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 132 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 136 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 140 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile rx-sop threshold -80 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile coverage level 2 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile coverage voice -90 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile coverage data -90 Low-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 1 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 6 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 11 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile rx-sop threshold -85 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile coverage level 2 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile coverage voice -90 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile coverage data -90 Low-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 36 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 40 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 44 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 48 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 52 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 56 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 60 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 64 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 100 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 104 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 108 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 112 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 116 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 120 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 124 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 128 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 132 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 136 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 140 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 165 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 Typical-Client-Density-802.11a
config rf-profile channel add 1 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 6 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 11 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel add 13 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config rf-profile channel chan-width 20 Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg
config radius dns serverip
config radius auth network 1 enable
config radius auth add encrypt 1 1812 password 1 392c405e5c6c421149bdd8de1038e757 3ac1bf5f85fde42d724239195d5842264c12e1d1 16 0244c1a1ae79ce32016e543d48e7d9ae00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
config radius auth add encrypt_v1 1 1812 password 1 ba0b0fa4104ee6f02f853bed6fddbea8 f8cecdec48b1ddae017a24796f646781f0aef98a 16 b4b76516c89c72ceb066611e1583aeae00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
config radius auth retransmit-timeout 1 5
config radius auth management 1 enable
config radius auth mgmt-retransmit-timeout 1 5
config radius auth rfc3576 enable 1
config radius auth enable 1
config radius fallback-test mode active
config database size 2048
config mgmtuser telnet admin enable
config mgmtuser add encrypt admin 1 5c66b2db72a15b55431b614d19766948 db497855dc075121b24aec937d259566e3e0cfc1 16 7c05ec656327ff19cfd2b01758b4789b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 read-write
config mgmtuser add encrypt_v1 admin 1 6da1675c1348dfc52f938215e8984c5f cc3508548635fd1bd1f29b2e21031e1b854ae08f 16 4e01f42f03f1d305dd08164314e361c600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 read-write
config nmsp notification interval rssi rfid 2
config switchconfig strong-pwd case-digit-check enable
config switchconfig strong-pwd position-check enable
config switchconfig strong-pwd lockout attempts mgmtuser 3
config switchconfig strong-pwd lockout time mgmtuser 5
config 802.11a cleanair alarm device enable 802.11-inv
config 802.11a cleanair alarm device enable 802.11-nonstd
config 802.11a cleanair alarm device enable jammer
config 802.11a cleanair enable network
config 802.11a cac voice sip bandwidth 64 sample-interval 20
config 802.11a cac voice sip codec g711 sample-interval 20
config 802.11b cleanair alarm device enable jammer
config 802.11b cleanair alarm device enable 802.11-inv
config 802.11b cleanair alarm device enable 802.11-nonstd
config 802.11b cleanair enable network
config 802.11b 11gsupport enable
config 802.11b cac voice sip bandwidth 64 sample-interval 20
config 802.11b cac voice sip codec g711 sample-interval 20
config 802.11b rate mandatory 6
config 802.11b rate mandatory 9
config 802.11b rate mandatory 12
config interface address management
config interface address virtual
config interface port management 1
config interface dhcp service-port enable
config snmp v3user delete default
config snmp community delete public
config snmp community delete private
config rfid status enable
config rfid timeout 1200
config rfid rate-limit 1000
config rfid mobility pango disable
config ap antenna monitoring all weak-rssi 60
config ap antenna monitoring all rssi-failure-threshold 40
config ap antenna monitoring all detection-time 12
config ap bhrate 0 all
config ap dtls-version dtls_all
config ap mgmtuser add encrypt username admin password 1 354ab1af01cb4cb176f70b85e84d5e37 f4a35383c451ac27ccecf322ac41a7772486d17f 16 f081f9431d67c3b465fb864e4774e6f90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 24312434444e6f24463155504d38384358376a695371437549626233742f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 secret encrypt 2431246e56526924686754412f33434569567a7561714d423275666e482e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 all
config ap tcp-adjust-mss enable all 1250
config ap packet-dump buffer-size 2048
config ap packet-dump capture-time 10
config ap packet-dump truncate 0
config ap client-stats enable interval 90
config ap preferred-mode ipv4 all
config mesh convergence
config country J4
config remote-lan flexconnect local-switching 1 enable
config remote-lan flexconnect local-switching 2 enable
config remote-lan flexconnect local-switching 3 enable
transfer download ap-images cco-password $password
transfer download ap-images cco-username $username



こんにちは。まずは AP Join 問題が解決したようで良かったです。やはり DHCP でしたか。

5GHzが出ていないとのことですが、クライアント上のSSID一覧に表示されないような状況でしょうか。いただいた設定一覧よりも show run-config コマンドの出力の方がよりわかりやすいかと思いますが、取得して貼っていただければ原因が見つかるかもしれません。また、Wireless  Config Analyzer Express なども問題を発見するのに有効ですのでご活用ください。



Level 1
Level 1



Level 1
Level 1


osakiさま ご対応ありがとう御座います。show run-configは以下になります。





Notice: "show running-config" has been changed to be an alias to "show run-config".
Use "show run-config commands" to display the configuration commands.
Press Enter to continue or <Ctrl-Z> to abort...

System Inventory
NAME: "Mobility Express" , DESCR: "Cisco Aironet 1830 Series Mobility Express"
PID: AIR-AP1832I-Q-K9, VID: V02, SN: KWC204004TJ

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:B0:E1:A4:3E:40
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 50
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

System Information
Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
Product Version..................................
OUI File Last Update Time........................ N/A

System Name...................................... MobilityExpress
System Location..................................
System Contact...................................
System ObjectID..................................
IP Address.......................................
Last Reset....................................... 0: unknown

System Up Time................................... 0 days 0 hrs 6 mins 23 secs
System Timezone Location......................... (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo
System Stats Realtime Interval................... 5
System Stats Normal Interval..................... 180

Configured Country............................... J4 - Japan 4(PQ)

State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Number of WLANs.................................. 1
Number of Active Clients......................... 0

OUI Classification Failure Count................. 0

Memory Current Usage............................. 58
Memory Average Usage............................. 57
CPU Current Usage................................ 2
CPU Average Usage................................ 2

Flash Type....................................... Compact Flash Card
Flash Size....................................... 1073741824

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:B0:E1:A4:3E:40
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 50
System Nas-Id....................................
WLC MIC Certificate Types........................ SHA1/SHA2
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

Backup Controller Configuration

AP primary Backup Controller ....................
AP secondary Backup Controller ..................
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

System Time Information:

Time............................................. Thu Feb 8 03:09:25 2024

Timezone delta................................... 0:0
Timezone location................................ (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo

NTP Servers
NTP Version.................................. 3
NTP Polling Interval......................... 86400

Index NTP Key Index NTP Server Status NTP Msg Auth Status
1 0 Not Synched AUTH DISABLED
2 0 1.ciscome.pool.ntp.org Not Synched AUTH DISABLED
3 0 2.ciscome.pool.ntp.org Not Synched AUTH DISABLED

Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

Redundancy Information
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

AP Bundle Information not supported.
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

Switch Configuration
802.3x Flow Control Mode......................... Disable
FIPS prerequisite features....................... Disabled
WLANCC prerequisite features..................... Disabled
UCAPL prerequisite features...................... Disabled
Last login information display................... Disabled
Last login information display duration.......... 0
DTLS WLC MIC .................................... SHA2
secret obfuscation............................... Enabled
Master key....................................... Not-Configured
password encryption.............................. Disabled
Strong Password Check Features
case-check.................................... Enabled
consecutive-check............................. Enabled
default-check................................. Enabled
username-check................................ Enabled
position-check................................ Enabled
case-digit-check.............................. Enabled
Min. Password length.......................... 8
Min. Upper case chars......................... 0
Min. Lower case chars......................... 0
Min. Digits chars............................. 0

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Min. Special chars............................ 0
Mgmt User
Password Lifetime [days]...................... 0
Password Lockout.............................. Disabled
Lockout Attempts.............................. 3
Lockout Timeout [mins]........................ 5
Restore-Password.............................. Enabled
SNMPv3 User
Password Lifetime [days]...................... 0
Password Lockout.............................. Disabled
Lockout Attempts.............................. 3
Lockout Timeout [mins]........................ 5
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

Network Information
RF-Network Name............................. MobilityExpress
DNS Server IP1..............................
DNS Server IP2..............................
Web Mode.................................... Disable
Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
HSTS Mode................................... Disable
Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Enable
Secure Web Mode SSL Protocol................ Disable
OCSP........................................ Disabled
OCSP responder URL..........................
Network 2-factor-authentcation.............. Disable
2FA Username field ..................... Common Name
Secure Shell (ssh).......................... Enable
Secure Shell (ssh) Cipher-Option High....... Enable
Telnet...................................... Disable
Ethernet Multicast Forwarding............... Disable
Ethernet Broadcast Forwarding............... Disable
IPv4 AP Multicast/Broadcast Mode............ Multicast Address :
IPv6 AP Multicast/Broadcast Mode............ Multicast Address : ::
IGMP snooping............................... Disabled
IGMP timeout................................ 60 seconds

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
IGMP Query Interval......................... 20 seconds
MLD snooping................................ Disabled
MLD timeout................................. 60 seconds
MLD query interval.......................... 20 seconds
User Idle Timeout........................... 300 seconds
ARP Idle Timeout............................ 300 seconds
Cisco AP Default Master..................... Disable
AP Join Priority............................ Disable
Mgmt Via Wireless Interface................. Enable
Mgmt Via Dynamic Interface.................. Disable
Bridge MAC filter Config.................... Enable
Bridge Security Mode........................ EAP
Mesh Full Sector DFS........................ Enable
Mesh Backhaul RRM........................... Disable
AP Fallback ................................ Enable
AP EasyAdmin ............................... Disable
AP Virtual IP ..............................
Web Auth CMCC Support ...................... Disabled
Web Auth Redirect Ports .................... 80
Web Auth Proxy Redirect ................... Disable
Web Auth Captive-Bypass .................. Disable
Web Auth Secure Web ....................... Enable
Web Auth Secure Web Cipher Option ......... Disable

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Web Auth Secure Web Sslv3 ................. Disable
Web Auth Secure Redirection ............... Enable
Web Auth AP Ethernet MAC in Redirection .... Disable
Fast SSID Change ........................... Enabled
Max WLAN Supported ......................... 512
IP/MAC Addr Binding Check .................. Enabled
Link Local Bridging Status ................. Disabled
CCX-lite status ............................ Disable
oeap-600 dual-rlan-ports ................... Disable
oeap local-network ......................... Enable
oeap-600 Split Tunneling (Printers)......... Disable
mDNS snooping............................... Disabled
mDNS Query Interval......................... 15 minutes
Web Color Theme............................. Default
Capwap Prefer Mode.......................... IPv4
Network Profile............................. Disabled
Client ip conflict detection (DHCP) ........ Disabled
Mesh BH RRM ................................ Disable
Mesh Aggressive DCA......................... Disable
Mesh Auto RF................................ Disable
HTTP Profiling Port......................... 80
HTTP-Proxy Ip Address.......................
HTTP-Proxy Port............................. 80

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
WGB Client Forced L2 Roam................... Disabled
DHCP Timeout (seconds)...................... 120
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

Port Summary
STP Admin Physical Physical Link Link
Pr Type Stat Mode Mode Status Status Trap POE
-- ------- ---- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ---------
1 Normal Forw Enable Auto 1000 Full Up Enable N/A
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

AP Summary
Number of APs.................................... 1

Global AP User Name.............................. KAP10HC
Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured
Global AP Dot1x EAP Method....................... EAP-FAST

* prefix indicates Cisco Internal AP

AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Country IP Address Clients DSE Location
------------------------------ ----- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ------- --------------
*KAP10HC 2 AIR-AP1832I-Q-K9 00:b0:e1:a4:3e:50 default location J4 0 [0 ,0 ,0 ]

AP Tcp-Mss-Adjust Info
AP Name TCP State MSS Size
------------------ -------- -------
KAP10HC enabled 1250
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

AP Location
Total Number of AP Groups........................ 1

Site Name........................................ default-group
Site Description................................. <none>
NAS-identifier................................... none
Client Traffic QinQ Enable....................... FALSE
DHCPv4 QinQ Enable............................... FALSE
AP Operating Class............................... Not-configured
Capwap Prefer Mode............................... Not-configured
AP broken antenna detection - Status............. Disabled
CustomWeb Global Status.......................... Enabled
External Web Authentication URL.................. <None>
Lan Fast Switching Status........................ Disabled

RF Profile
2.4 GHz band..................................... <none>
5 GHz band....................................... <none>

WLAN ID Interface Network Admission Control Radio Policy OpenDnsProfile
------- ----------- -------------------------- ------------ --------------

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
1 management Disabled None None

*AP3600 with 802.11ac Module will only advertise first 8 WLANs on 5GHz radios.

Lan Port configs

LAN Status POE Power Level RLAN
--- ------- ---- ---------- -----
1 Disabled Disabled None None
2 Disabled Disabled None None
3 Disabled None
4 Disabled Disabled None

External Module configs

--- ------- ---- -----
1 Disabled None

USB Module configs

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
USB Module Status................................ Enabled

AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port Country Priority
------------------ ----- ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---- ------- --------
KAP10HC 2 AIR-AP1832I-Q-K9 00:b0:e1:a4:3e:50 default location 1 J4 1

Fabric Flex Acl Template Name ................... Not Configured
Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort

RF Profile

Number of RF Profiles............................ 6

Out Of Box State................................. Disabled

Out Of Box Persistence........................... Disabled

RF Profile Name Band Description 11n-client-only Applied
--------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
High-Client-Density-802.11a 5 GHz <none> disable No
High-Client-Density-802.11bg 2.4 GHz <none> disable No
Low-Client-Density-802.11a 5 GHz <none> disable No
Low-Client-Density-802.11bg 2.4 GHz <none> disable No
Typical-Client-Density-802.11a 5 GHz <none> disable No
Typical-Client-Density-802.11bg 2.4 GHz <none> disable No

RF Profile name................................ High-Client-Density-802.11a
Description...................................... <none>
AP Group Name.................................... <none>
Radio policy..................................... 5 GHz

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
11n-client-only.................................. disabled
Transmit Power Threshold v1...................... -65 dBm
Transmit Power Threshold v2...................... -67 dBm
Min Transmit Power............................... 7 dBm
Max Transmit Power............................... 30 dBm
802.11a Operational Rates
802.11a 6M Rate.............................. Disabled
802.11a 9M Rate.............................. Disabled
802.11a 12M Rate............................. Mandatory
802.11a 18M Rate............................. Supported
802.11a 24M Rate............................. Mandatory
802.11a 36M Rate............................. Supported
802.11a 48M Rate............................. Supported
802.11a 54M Rate............................. Supported
Max Clients...................................... 200

WLAN ID Max Clients
------- -------
1 600

Trap Threshold
Clients...................................... 12 clients
Interference................................. 10 %

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Noise........................................ -70 dBm
Utilization.................................. 80 %
Multicast Data Rate.............................. 0
Rx Sop Threshold................................. -78 dBm
Cca Threshold.................................... 0 dBm
Slot Admin State:................................ Enabled

Client Aware FRA
State........................................ Disabled
Client Select Utilization Threshold.......... 50%
Client Reset Utilization Threshold........... 5%

Band Select
Probe Response............................... Disabled
Cycle Count.................................. 2 cycles
Cycle Threshold.............................. 200 milliseconds
Expire Suppression........................... 20 seconds
Expire Dual Band............................. 60 seconds
Client Rssi.................................. -80 dBm
Client Mid Rssi.............................. -80 dBm

Load Balancing
Denial....................................... 3 count

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Window....................................... 5 clients

Coverage Data
Data......................................... -80 dBm
Voice........................................ -80 dBm
Minimum Client Level......................... 3 clients
Exception Level.............................. 25 %
DCA Channel List................................. 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
DCA Bandwidth.................................... 20
DCA Foreign AP Contribution...................... enabled
HSR Mode......................................... disabled

802.11n MCS Rates
MCS-00 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-01 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-02 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-03 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-04 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-05 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-06 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-07 Rate.................................. enabled

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
MCS-08 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-09 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-10 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-11 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-12 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-13 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-14 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-15 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-16 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-17 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-18 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-19 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-20 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-21 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-22 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-23 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-24 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-25 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-26 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-27 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-28 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-29 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-30 Rate.................................. enabled

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
MCS-31 Rate.................................. enabled
Client Network Preference....................... default

RF Profile name................................ High-Client-Density-802.11bg
Description...................................... <none>
AP Group Name.................................... <none>
Radio policy..................................... 2.4 GHz
11n-client-only.................................. disabled
Transmit Power Threshold v1...................... -70 dBm
Transmit Power Threshold v2...................... -67 dBm
Min Transmit Power............................... 7 dBm
Max Transmit Power............................... 30 dBm
802.11b/g Operational Rates
802.11b/g 1M Rate............................ Disabled
802.11b/g 2M Rate............................ Disabled
802.11b/g 5.5M Rate.......................... Disabled
802.11b/g 11M Rate........................... Disabled
802.11g 6M Rate.............................. Disabled
802.11g 9M Rate.............................. Supported
802.11g 12M Rate............................. Mandatory
802.11g 18M Rate............................. Supported
802.11g 24M Rate............................. Supported
802.11g 36M Rate............................. Supported

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
802.11g 48M Rate............................. Supported
802.11g 54M Rate............................. Supported
Max Clients...................................... 200

WLAN ID Max Clients
------- -------
1 600

Trap Threshold
Clients...................................... 12 clients
Interference................................. 10 %
Noise........................................ -70 dBm
Utilization.................................. 80 %
Multicast Data Rate.............................. 0
Rx Sop Threshold................................. -82 dBm
Cca Threshold.................................... 0 dBm
Slot Admin State:................................ Enabled

Client Aware FRA
State........................................ Disabled
Client Select Utilization Threshold.......... 50%
Client Reset Utilization Threshold........... 5%

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
Band Select
Probe Response............................... Disabled
Cycle Count.................................. 2 cycles
Cycle Threshold.............................. 200 milliseconds
Expire Suppression........................... 20 seconds
Expire Dual Band............................. 60 seconds
Client Rssi.................................. -80 dBm
Client Mid Rssi.............................. -80 dBm

Load Balancing
Denial....................................... 3 count
Window....................................... 5 clients

Coverage Data
Data......................................... -80 dBm
Voice........................................ -80 dBm
Minimum Client Level......................... 3 clients
Exception Level.............................. 25 %
DCA Channel List................................. 1,6,11
DCA Bandwidth.................................... 20
DCA Foreign AP Contribution...................... enabled
HSR Mode......................................... disabled

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
802.11n MCS Rates
MCS-00 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-01 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-02 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-03 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-04 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-05 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-06 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-07 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-08 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-09 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-10 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-11 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-12 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-13 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-14 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-15 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-16 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-17 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-18 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-19 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-20 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-21 Rate.................................. enabled

--More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
MCS-22 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-23 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-24 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-25 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-26 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-27 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-28 Rate.................................. enabled
MCS-29 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-30 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-31 Rate.................................. enabled Client Network Preference....................... defaultRF Profile name................................ Low-Client-Density-802.11aDescription...................................... <none>AP Group Name.................................... <none>Radio policy..................................... 5 GHz11n-client-only.................................. disabledTransmit Power Threshold v1...................... -60 dBmTransmit Power Threshold v2...................... -67 dBmMin Transmit Power............................... -10 dBmMax Transmit Power............................... 30 dBm802.11a Operational Rates 802 802.11a 9M Rate.............................. Supported 802.11a 12M Rate............................. Mandatory 802.11a 18M Rate............................. Supported 802.11a 24M Rate............................. Mandatory 802.11a 36M Rate............................. Supported 802.11a 48M Rate............................. Supported 802.11a 54M Rate............................. SupportedMax Clients...................................... 2WLAN ID Max Client------- ------- 1 600Trap Threshold Clients...................................... 12 clients Interference................................. 10 % Noise........................................ -70 dBm Utilization.................................. 80 %Multicast Data Rate.............................. 0Rx Sop Threshold................................. -80 dBmCca Threshold.................................... 0 dBmSlot Client Aware FRA State........................................ Disabled Client Select Utilization Threshold.......... 50% Client Reset Utilization Threshold........... 5%Band Select Probe Response............................... Disabled Cycle Count.................................. 2 cycles Cycle Threshold.............................. 200 milliseconds Expire Suppression........................... 20 sec
AP Config
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... KAP10HC
Country code..................................... J4 - Japan 4(PQ)
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-JPQU 802.11a:-JPQU
AP Country code.................................. J4 - Japan 4(PQ)
AP Regulatory Domain............................. -Q
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 00:b0:e1:a4:3e:50
IP Address Configuration......................... Static IP assigned
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
Name Server......................................
NAT External IP Address.......................... None
CAPWAonds Expire Dual Band............................. 60 seconds Client Rssi.................................. -80 dBm Client Mid Rssi.............................. -80 dBmLoad Balancing Denial....................................... 3 count Window....................................... 5 clientsCoverage Data Data......................................... -90 dBm VoP Path MTU.................................. 1485
DHCP Releaseice........................................ -90 dBm Minimum Client Level......................... 2 clients DCA Channel List................................. 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100, 104,108,112,116,120,124,128, 132,136,140DCA Bandwidth.................................... 20DCA Foreign AP Contribution...................... enabledHSR Mode......................................... disabled802.11n MCS Rates MCS-00 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-01 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-02 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-03 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-04 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-05 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-06 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-07 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-08 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-09 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-10 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-11 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-12 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-13 Rate.................................. enabled M MCS-15 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-16 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-17 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-18 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-19 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-20 Rate.................................. enabled MCS-21 Rate.................................. enabled11n-client-only.................................. disableTrap Threshold Client Mid Rssi.............................. -80 dBm MCS-06 Rate.................................. enable------- ------- Cycle Count.................................. 2 cycles MCS-22 Rate.................................. enableTrap ThresholdRx Sop Threshold................................. AUTO MCS-13 Rate.................................. enabled ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Override............................ Disab??led
Telnet State..................................... Globa?lly Disabled
Ssh State.......................................??. Specifically Enabled
NSI Ports State......................??............ Globally Enabled
Cisco AP Location.............???................... default location
Cisco AP Floor Label..??........................... 0
Cisco AP Group Name...........??................... default-group
Primary Cisco Switch Name.??....................... MobilityExpress
Primary Cisco Switch?? IP Address.................. Not Configured
Secondary Cisco?? Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch I??P Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Swit??ch Name.......................
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Add??ress................. Not Configured
Administrative State ..??.......................... ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ...??.............................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode ...??............................... Disabled
AP Mode ...........??.............................. FlexConnect
Public Safety ...??................................ Disabled
AP SubMode ......??................................ Not Configured
Rogue Detect?ion ................................. Enabled
AP Vlan Trunkin???g ................................ Disabled
Remote AP Debu??g ................................. Disabled
Logging trap se??verity level ..................... informational
Logging sys??log facility ......................... kern
S/W Version ...??.................................
Boot Version .??..................................
Mini IOS Version ??................................
Stats Reporting Per??iod .......................... 30
Stats Collection Mode ....??....................... normal
Radio Core Mode .............??.................... Normal
Slub Debug Mode ................??................. Disabled
Static Ip Failover ..............??................ Enabled
LED State..........................?.............. Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch...............???........... Disabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...........??........... Disabled
Power Type/Mode........................??.......... Power injector / Full Power
Number Of Slots......??............................ 2
AP Model....................??..................... AIR-AP1832I-Q-K9
AP Image.............??............................ AP1G4-K9W8-M
IOS Version.......??...............................
Reset Button.....??................................ Enabled
AP Serial Number...??.............................. KWC204004TJ
AP Certificate Ty???pe.............................. Manufacture Installed
AP L??ag Status ................................... Disable
Native? Vlan Inheritance: ........................ Group
FlexConnect?? Vlan mode :.......................... Disabled
FlexConnect ???Group................................ default-flexgroup
Gro?up VLAN ACL Mappings

Group VLAN Name to Id Mappings

A???P-Specific FlexConnect Policy ACLs :
L2Acl Configuration ..??........................... Not Available
FlexConnect Local-??Split ACLs :

------- -----------???--------------------- --------------------------------- -??------

Flexconnect Central-Dhcp Values :

WLAN ID PR?OFILE NAME Central-Dhcp DNS Overri???de Nat-Pat Type
------- -------------------------??-------- -------------- -------------- --------- --??----
1 test-ssid F??alse False False Wlan

Flex AVC v??isibility Configurations..............

WlanId PROFILE NA??ME Inherit-level Visibility Flex Avc??-profile
------- -------------------------------- ----------??--- ---------- --------------------------------
1 t?est-ssid flexgroup disable none ???

FlexConnect Backup Auth Radius?? Servers :
Primary Radius Server...........................?? Disabled
Secondary Radius Server......................... ??Disabled
AP User Mode..................................... A??UTOMATIC
AP User Name..................................... K??AP10HC
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not?? Configured
AP Dot1x User Name..............................??. Not Configured
Cisco AP system logging host...............??......
AP Core Dump Config..................??............ Disabled
AP Up Time............................??........... 0 days, 00 h 09 m 32 s
AP LWAPP Up Time.........??........................ 0 days, 00 h 06 m 30 s
Join Date an??d Time............................... Thu Feb 8 03:03:26 2024??
Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 0??0 h 03 m 01 s

Attributes for Slot 0
Radio Type....??............................... RADIO_TYPE_80211n-2.4
Ad??ministrative State ........................ ADMIN_DISABLED
?? Operation State ............................. DOWN
Op??eration State Down Cause................... Radio reset due to?? (123) Radio Admin State Change
Operation State Down Cod??e.................... AP_IF_TRAP_CONFIG_RADIO
Mesh Radio?? Role ............................. ACCESS
Radio Role ..??................................ Client Serving (Remote)
?? CellId ...................................... 0

Stat??ion Configuration
Configuration ......................??....... CUSTOMIZED
Number Of WLANs ...................???........ 1
Medium Occupancy Limit ...................??. 100
CFP Period ................................ 4
?? CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
B?SSID ..................................... 00:b0:e1:a5:61:20
??? Operation Rate Set
1000 Kilo Bits...........??................ MANDATORY
2000 Kilo Bits...........??................ MANDATORY
5500 Kilo Bits...........??................ MANDATORY
11000 Kilo Bits..........??................ MANDATORY
6000 Kilo Bits...........??................ SUPPORTED
9000 Kilo Bits...........?................ SUPPORTED
12000 Kilo Bits...........???............... SUPPORTED
18000 Kilo Bits..........??................ SUPPORTED
24000 Kilo Bits..........?................ SUPPORTED
36000 Kilo Bits...........???............... SUPPORTED
48000 Kilo Bits..........?................ SUPPORTED
54000 Kilo Bits...........??............... SUPPORTED
MCS 0....??................................ SUPPORTED
MCS 1....???................................ SUPPORTED
MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
MCS 3.....????............................... SUPPORTED
MCS 4...?................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 5....??................................ SUPPORTED
MCS 6....???................................ SUPPORTED
MCS 7...??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 8...?................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 9....???................................ SUPPORTED
MCS 10..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 11..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 12..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 13..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 14..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 15..??................................. SUPPORTED
MCS 16..??................................. DISABLED
MCS 17...??................................ DISABLED
MCS 18....??............................... DISABLED
MCS 19.....??.............................. DISABLED
MCS 20......??............................. DISABLED
MCS 21.......??............................ DISABLED
MCS 22........??........................... DISABLED
MCS 23................................... DISABLED
MCS 24................................... DISABLED
MCS 25................................... DISABLED
MCS 26................................... DISABLED
MCS 27................................... DISABLED
MCS 28................................... DISABLED
MCS 29................................... DISABLED
MCS 30................................... DISABLED
MCS 31................................... DISABLED
Beacon Period ............................. 100
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
Country String ............................ J4

Multi Domain Capability
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
First Chan Num ............................ 0
Number Of Channels ........................ 0

MAC Operation Parameters
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
?Warning: Output is too long and has been truncated

--More-- or (q)uit

Tx Power
Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 6
Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 16 dBm
Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 13 dBm
Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 10 dBm
Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 7 dBm
Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 4 dBm
Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 1 dBm
Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
Current Tx Power Level .................... 3
Tx Power Assigned By ...................... DTPC

Phy OFDM parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Current Channel ........................... 1
Channel Assigned By ....................... DCA
Extension Channel ......................... NONE
Channel Width.............................. 20MHz
Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
......................................... 13
TI Threshold .............................. -50
DCA Channel List........................... Global

--More-- or (q)uit
Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... AUTOMATIC
Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... DISABLED
Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 6
Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
802.11n Antennas
A....................................... ENABLED
B....................................... ENABLED
C....................................... ENABLED

Performance Profile Parameters
Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
Interference threshold..................... 10 %
Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
Client threshold........................... 12 clients
Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
Coverage exception level................... 25 %
Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
Rogue Containment Information
Containment Count............................ 0

--More-- or (q)uit
CleanAir Management Information
CleanAir Capable......................... Yes
CleanAir Management Administration St.... Disabled
CleanAir Management Operation State...... Down
Rapid Update Mode........................ Off
Spectrum Expert connection............... Enabled
CleanAir NSI Key....................... 64DEBDC29E0577DF862FCC436FE4FBA5
Spectrum Expert Connections counter.... 0
CleanAir Sensor State.................... Radio is disabled. Turn ON radio to enable CleanAir functionality

Radio Extended Configurations
Beacon period.............................. 100 milliseconds
Beacon range............................... AUTO
Multicast buffer........................... AUTO
Multicast data-rate........................ AUTO
RX SOP threshold........................... DEFAULT
CCA threshold.............................. AUTO

Attributes for Slot 1
Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211ac-5
Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ............................. UP

--More-- or (q)uit
Mesh Radio Role ............................. ACCESS
Radio Role .................................. Client Serving (Remote)
CellId ...................................... 0

Station Configuration
Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED
Number Of WLANs ........................... 1
Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
CFP Period ................................ 4
CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
BSSID ..................................... 00:b0:e1:a5:61:20
Operation Rate Set
6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED 54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED MCS Set MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 1............................ MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED MCS 16................................... DISABLED MCS 17................................... DISABLED MCS 18................................... DISABLED MCS 19................................... DISABLED MCS 20................................... DISABLED MCS 21................................... DISABLED MCS 22................................... DISABLED MCS 23................................... DISABLED MCS 24.......................... MCS 25................................... DISABLED MCS 26................................... DISABLED MCS 27................................... DISABLED MCS 28................................... DISABLED MCS 29................................... DISABLED MCS 30................................... DISABLED MCS 31................................... DISABLED 802.11ac MCS Set Nss=1: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED Nss=2: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED Nss=3: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED Nss=4: MCS 0-9 .......................... SUPPORTED Beacon Period ............................. 100 Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346 Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE Country String ............................ J4 Multi Domain Capability Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED First Chan Num ............................ 0 Number Of Channels ........ MAC Operation Parameters Configuration ............................. CUSTOMIZED Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346 Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64 Tx Power Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7 Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 17 dBm Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 14 dBm Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 11 dBm Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 8 dBm Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 5 dBm Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 1 dBm Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC Current Tx Power Level .................... 1 Tx Power Assigned By ...................... DTPC Phy OFDM parameters Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC Current Channel ........................... 36 Channel Assigned By ....................... DCA Extension Channel ............ Channel Width.............................. 20MHz Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100, ......................................... 104,108,112,116,120,124,128, ......................................... 132,136,140 TI Threshold .............................. -50 DCA Channel List........................... Global Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... AUTOMATIC Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... DISABLED 802.11n Antennas CleanAir Capable...........Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort SNR 45 dB.................................. 0 clients Interference Information Rogue Histogram (20/40/80/160) Channel Utilization............ Nearby APs Radar InformationPress Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort802.11a Configuration 802.11a 18M Rate............................. Supported Priority 2.....................Voice AC: CAC SIP-Voice configuration Video reserved roaming bandwidth.............. 802.11a Monitor Mode........................... enable Update Contribution 802.11a OptimizedRoaming Rate Threshold........ disabled Group Role(Mode)............................... LEADER(AUTO) Continuous Transmitter................... Disabled 802.11g 24M Rate.....................802.11ax MCS Settings: A-MPDU Tx: Priority 2............................... EnabledVoice MAC optimization status.................... Disable Transmit Power Update Logging.... U 802.11b Coverage Data Packet Percentage........ 50%OptimizedRoaming OptimizedRoaming Stats Group Update Interval.......................... 300 seco CleanAir ED-RRM State........................ Enabled CleanAir ED-RRM Sensitivity.................. Low Probe suppression transition aggressiveness.... 3Self Signed Certificate details SSC device certificate not presentGARP Broadcast state: ...............Location ConfigurationSTATE ..............................Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abortBroadcast SSID................................... EnabledPer-Client Rate Limits........................... Upstream Downstream WPA (SSN IE)............................... Disabled flexconnect Central Dhcp Flag................. DisabledFast Receive..................................... DisabledLocal PolicyL2ACL ConfigurationACL High-Priority Disabled State........................................ disableAccounting Serve--- ---------------------- ------ ------- ----- -------Timer:Tacacs port...................................... Group Radius Servers Settings:Type Server Address PortFlexConnect Vlan name SummaryVlan-Name Id StatusAverage Data Rate................................ 0 0Burst Data Rate.........................Qos Map InfoStatus: Disabled DSCP UP 0 0 2 1 4 1 6 1 10 2 12 2 14 2 18 3Aggressive Load Balancing........................ per WLAN enablDHCP Proxy Behaviour: disabledNACDP Configurationcdp version v2Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abortWPS Configuration SummaryCustomLogo....................................... NRogue AP RLDP ConfigurationRLDP Start Time RLDP End Time Day Rogue Rule Detailed ConfigurationRogue containment Configuratio Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0SIP CAC Call Stats Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0RA Throttling allow at-most................. 0mDNS Service Summa mDNS AP SummaryNumber of mDNS APs............................. Sensor Backhaul settings: Sensor provisioning: Ce------------------------- Pmalloc Pools Information --------------------SwapCached: 0 kActive: KernelStack: Profile-Name State Sho Disp 016 httpImgDwnldTask0 4771 (100/ 60) 0 ( 0/ 0)% 0 062 apfReceiveTask 4718 (175/ 32) 0 ( 0/ 0)% 0 Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort Arp StatsARP counts:ARP statistics: Queue Info D40 apfClientHistoryQ 512 24 86 Bonjour_Process_Queue 128 1952 0 2 0 Y Queue Name : sshpmLscQueSPAM-Q (Queue Name : NmspNormalTxQNmspNormalTxQ(0)==============nmspHighTQueue Name : openDnsQueueopenDnsQueue(0)===============PEMQueue Name : APF-Q APF-Q (0)===============Queue Name : APF-RG-===============Queue Name : APF 80211K Msg QueueAPF 80211K Msg QuQueue Name : rrcEngineMs===============Queue Name : SPECTRUM-DATA===============Queue Name : HTTP-IMG-DWNLD-HTTP-IMG-D Allocated.................................... 513 PMK stat Profiling Stat(Cisco Controller) > help Help (Cisco Controllerhelp Help linktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address.show Display switch options and settings. restart Restart (soft reload) the switch. grep Print lines matching a pattern.help Helprestart Restart (soft reload) the switch. (Cisco Controller) > apciscoshell Go to AP Consoledebug Manages system debug options.help Helpping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.clear Clear selected configuration elements.help Helpconfig Configure switch options and settings.linktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address.show Display switch options and settings. apciscoshell Go to AP Consoledebug Manages system debug options.grep Print lines matching a pattern. restart Restart (soft reload) the switch. (Cisco Controller) > apciscoshell Go to AP Consoledebug Manages system debug options.help Helpping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.transfer Transfer a file to or from the switch.config Configure switch options and settings.help Helplinktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address.show Display switch options and settings. apciscoshell Go to AP Consolehelp Help grep Print lines matching a pattern.help Helprestart Restart (soft reload) the switch. (Cisco Controller) > apciscoshell Go to AP Consoledebug Manages system debug options.help Helpping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.debug Manages system debug options.help Helpconfig Configure switch options and settings. reset Reboot (hard reload) options. show Display switch options and settings. apciscoshell Go to AP Consolehelp Help logout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.restart Restart (soft reload) the switch. (Cisco Controller) > apciscoshell Go to AP Consoledebug Manages system debug options.help Helpping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.transfer Transfer a file to or from the switch. config Configure switch options and settings.logout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.show Display switch options and settings. apciscoshell Go to AP Consolehelp Help show Display switch options and settings. restart Restart (soft reload) the switch. clear Clear selected configuration elements.help Helphelp Helpreset Reboot (hard reload) options.save Save switch configurations. apciscoshell Go to AP Consolehelp Helpgrep Print lines matching a pattern.help Helplinktest Perform a link test to a specified MAC address. (Cisco Controller) > help Helpdebug Manages system debug options.help Helplogout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.test Test trigger commands clear Clear selected configuration elements.help Helpreset Reboot (hard reload) options. save Save switch configurations. apciscoshell Go to AP Consolehelp Helpgrep Print lines matching a pattern.help Helpreset Reboot (hard reload) options. (Cisco Controller) > help Helpdebug Manages system debug options.help Helplogout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.test Test trigger commands (Cisco Controller) >clear Clear selected configuration elements.help Helpreset Reboot (hard reload) options.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????