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Brooke Hammer
Community Manager
Community Manager



Got questions or want to advance your Cisco product knowledge? Join the Ask the Experts session (ATXs) to get real-time advice from Cisco experts.

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  • Complimentary, interactive learning 
  • In-depth product demos
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  • Learn best practices and troubleshooting tips   
  • Accelerate tech adoption and ROI
  • Watch video: What is ATXs?


Tech Area: Networking Experiences


What to expect

Register here:

September 10 │ Cisco SD-WAN

Cisco SDWAN Migration Strategies and Best Practices

This session provides an overview of Cisco SD-WAN fabric. Our experts will guide you through migration best practices workflow and scenarios that support your use case and business requirements.

11:00 AM PST

September 17 │ Cisco Spaces

Using Cisco Spaces to engage with your customers

In this session, our experts provide guidance on how different teams in your organization can leverage Cisco Spaces to enhance their business outcomes. Explore how Sales and Marketing teams can leverage a combination of Captive Portals and Location Persons to create dynamic and targeted engagements and how HR can leverage Location Analytics and Behavior Metrics to see how their hybrid work plan is affecting building utilization.

11:00 AM PST

September 18 │ Catalyst WAN​

vAnalytics Overview​

Join us as our experts walk you through using vAnalytics to gather insight into network performance and tuning requirements with the goal of increasing user satisfaction and productivity. By the end of the session, participants will have the knowledge to forecast and analyze data for effective resource planning.​

11:00 AM PST

September 19 │ Cisco Catalyst License

Upgrading Your Catalyst Center

Join us as our experts walk you through best practices for upgrading Catalyst Center (Formerly Cisco DNA Center), both in an air gapped environment and a standard deployment. Learn how to prepare for the upgrade by completing the upgrade checklist and prerequisites, and review a step-by-step upgrade workflow, as well as post-upgrade verification processes.

11:00 AM PST

September 24 │ Meraki

Operations and Maintenance of NSO

In this session, our experts will review how to smoothly run and operate an NSO environment using multi-vendor NEDs and keep your environment updated with the latest bug fixes by regularly checking and updating NSO versions. You will also learn how to perform various Connectivity and Systems checks including CPU/Memory utilization, as well as monitor the performance of your NSO CDB and execute various other operations using the NSO GUI Dashboard.

11:00 AM PST

September 24 │ Multicloud Connectivity

Use Case Overview Planning for Multicloud Connectivity

Join us as our experts walk you through Cisco SD-WAN Multicloud Connectivity use case concepts and customer alignment, use case prerequisites, and deployment steps. This session will also include a demonstration of key features.

11:00 AM PST

September 25 │ Meraki

Cloud Management for Catalyst Wireless

Join us as our experts walk you through Cloud Management for Catalyst Wireless. This session will address different management options for supported Catalyst Wireless access points and introduce you to Meraki Wireless features.

11:00 AM PST


Tech Area: Data Center Cloud and Compute


What to expect

Register here:

September 10│ Intersight

Capability Overview: Cisco Intersight and UCS

Learn how Cisco Intersight interacts with your UCS infrastructure and how you can leverage its features to simplify operations such as deploying UCS domains and UCS servers using Policy-based profiles and templates.

12:30 PM PST

September 11 │ Intersight

Capability Overview: Cisco Intersight Programmability - Ansible and Python

Learn about Intersight's ability to automate and customise operations within the Cisco Intersight platform. Gain knowledge how users can leverage Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to integrate and extend the functionality of the platform to enable automation of repetitive tasks, creation of custom workflows, and integration with other tools and systems using Ansible and Python.

12:30 PM PST

September 18 │ Cloud Networking

Feature Overview Remote Leaf for ACI

Join our experts to learn more about the Cisco ACI remote leaf feature, which enables you to address use cases for distributed services over multiple data centers and helps to extend ACI policy domain from a main data center to a remote location.

10:00 AM PST

September 19 │ Cloud Compute

Simplified Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Learn about the benefits and value of Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix Solution. Our experts will provide a technical overview and explain the business outcomes of the Simplified Hyperconverged Infrastructure use case.

12:30 PM PST

September 24 │ Intersight

Intersight Programmability - Terraform and Powershell

Learn about Intersight's ability to automate and customize operations within the Cisco Intersight platform. Gain knowledge how users can leverage Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to integrate and extend the functionality of the platform to enable automation of repetitive tasks, creation of custom workflows, and integration with other tools and systems using Terraform and Powershell.

12:30 PM PST

September 25 │ Cloud Networking

Upgrade Planning and Best Practices for Cisco ACI

Join us to review architecture requirements for Multi-Pod and Multi-Site for Cisco ACI. By the end of this session, you will be enabled to select the best option for your organization when planning the expansion of data centers.

10:00 AM PST


Tech Area: Security


What to expect

Register here:

September 26 │ ISE

ISE Upgrade

Join us as our experts walk you through the steps to prepare, perform, and validate a successful ISE upgrade without headaches. This session will cover best practices and strategies to minimize downtime, as well as various methods of upgrades for different types of ISE deployments.

9:30 AM PST


Tech Area: Cross Architecture and Service Provider

September 10 │ SRv6 Enabled Network​

SRv6 Benefits and Fundamentals​

Join us learn over Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6). This session includes the technology benefits, fundamentals, and an overview of its features. Discover the benefits of SRv6 and how its mechanisms can simplify network operations, increase scalability, and enhance traffic engineering. Deep dive into the fundamentals of SRv6 and gain a solid understanding of its underlying concepts and principles.​

10:00 AM PST

September 11 │ Work from Office

Unlocking the Potential of Smart Workspaces and Smart Buildings with Cisco's Network Infrastructure

 Join us for this session on Unlocking the Potential of Smart Workspaces and Smart Buildings with Cisco's Network Infrastructure.

11:00 AM PST

September 17 │ Advanced Application Performance Monitoring

Use Case Planning for Advanced Application Performance Monitoring

Join us as our experts walk you through the integral features of Cisco AppDynamics, centering on its Application Performance Monitoring capabilities. They will discuss the pivotal benefits and the substantial value addition offered by the tool. You will gain insights on the Cisco AppDynamics Licensing Model as well.

12:30 PM PST

September 18 │ Advanced Application Performance Monitoring

Deployment for Advanced Application Performance Monitoring

Join us as our experts walk you through the onboarding process for Cisco AppDynamics, where you will be introduced to key features such as Business Application and Business Transactions. The session will also cover the procedures for adding users to the AppDynamics controller, ensuring you have a complete understanding of system setup and user management.

12:30 PM PST

September 25 │ Hybrid Application Monitoring

Hybrid Application Monitoring Use Case Planning

Join us as our experts walk you through additional use cases for Cisco AppDynamics, including the potential benefits to your organization. Explore AppDynamics integrations with solutions like ITSM and OpenTelemetry and review requirements and implementation guidelines.

12:30 PM PST


Tech Area: Cross Architecture - LATAM


What to expect

Register here:

September 10 │ Cloud Networking

Cisco ACI Integration with ServiceNow (Spanish)

Acompáñenos en esta sesión mientras nuestros expertos lo guían a través de los casos de uso y los beneficios que usted y su equipo de TI obtendrán cuando Cisco ACI se integre con ITSM y ITOM solution ServiceNow.

12:00 PM ART

September 11 │ INTERSIGHT​

Get Started with Cisco Intersight Workload Optimizer (Spanish)​

Únase a nosotros mientras nuestros expertos lo guían a través de los pasos iniciales para implementar Cisco Intersight Workload Optimizer (IWO). Aprenda a habilitar licencias IWO y realizar el claim de targets como VMware vCenter y servidores físicos. Esta sesión también cubrirá cómo controlar los permisos de usuario en IWO según los roles.​

12:00 PM ART

September 11 │ Catalyst Campus

Upgrading your Cisco DNA Center (Spanish)

Acompáñenos en esta sesión mientras nuestros expertos lo guían a través de las mejores prácticas para actualizar Cisco DNA Center, tanto en un entorno air gapped como en una implementación estándar. Aprenda a cómo prepararse para la actualización completando la lista de verificación de la actualización, los requerimientos previos, y verifique el flujo de trabajo de actualización paso a paso, así como los procesos de verificación posteriores a la actualización.

12:00 PM ART

September 25 │ INTERSIGHT

Upgrade: Intersight Virtual Appliances and UCS Servers (Spanish)

Aprenda a actualizar su infraestructura física y virtual de Cisco con Intersight para simplificar el proceso. Nuestros expertos le mostrarán cómo actualizar y administrar el firmware de sus Intersight virtual appliances, fabric interconnects systems, sistemas UCS rack, blade, y más.

12:00 PM ART

September 25 │ Catalyst WAN

Template and Policy Overview for Secure Automated WAN (Spanish)

Acompáñenos en esta sesión mientras nuestros expertos lo guían a través de las funciones y capacidades técnicas clave de Cisco SD-WAN Secure Automated WAN que ayudaran a comprender mejor las funciones, las políticas y las plantillas. También cubrirá la correlación de plantillas de funciones y políticas para la implementación, y aprovechamiento de vManage API para la automatización y la integración de terceros.

12:00 PM ART

September 26 │ XDR

XDR Incidents (Spanish)

Únase a nosotros mientras nuestros expertos le enseñan cómo la función de Incidentes de Cisco XDR le ayuda a minimizar el tiempo dedicado a la detección y respuesta de eventos de seguridad correlacionados, proporcionando la información más crítica necesaria para detectar, clasificar, investigar y responder, todo en un solo lugar. En esta sesión, le guiaremos a través del proceso de promoción de incidentes a Cisco XDR y le mostraremos cómo interactuar y responder a esos incidentes.

12:00 PM ART

September 12 │ Secure Firewall

Upgrading Cisco Secure Firewall Techniques and Scenarios (Portuguese)

Esta sessão Pergunte aos Especialistas orienta você no processo de atualização do Cisco Secure Firewall e seus componentes. Familiarize-se com a matriz de compatibilidade e as verificações e ações pré-atualização, bem como como determinar a prontidão do sistema para uma atualização. Você receberá as etapas de atualização necessárias e demonstrações com base em diferentes cenários de implantação. Acompanhe nossos especialistas enquanto eles orientam você nas etapas para preparar, executar e validar uma atualização bem-sucedida do Cisco Secure Firewall sem dores de cabeça.

4:00 PM BRT

September 18 │ Catalyst Campus

Licensing with Catalyst Center

Junte-se a nós enquanto nossos especialistas o guiam pelo licenciamento do Cisco Smart Software e pela funcionalidade do Gerenciador de Licenças do Catalyst Center (anteriormente Cisco DNA Center) e suas principais características. Nossos especialistas mostrarão como integrar o Catalyst Center com as Smart Accounts.

4:00 PM BRT

September 24 │ Cloud Networking

Cisco ACI Integration with ServiceNow (Portuguese)

Participe desta sessão onde nossos especialistas orientam você através dos casos de uso e benefícios que você e sua equipe de TI perceberão quando a Cisco ACI for integrada à solução ITSM e ITOM ServiceNow.

4:00 PM BRT

September 25 │ Catalyst Campus

Licensing with Catalyst Center

Junte-se a nós enquanto nossos especialistas o guiam pelo licenciamento do Cisco Smart Software e pela funcionalidade do Gerenciador de Licenças do Catalyst Center (anteriormente Cisco DNA Center) e suas principais características. Nossos especialistas mostrarão como integrar o Catalyst Center com as Smart Accounts.

4:00 PM BRT

September 25 │ Catalyst WAN

Template and Policy Overview for Secure Automated WAN (Portuguese)

Participe desta sessão onde nossos especialistas orientam você através dos principais recursos técnicos e capacidades da WAN Segura Automatizada do Cisco SD-WAN e ajudam você a obter uma melhor compreensão dos recursos, políticas e modelos. Você também abordará a correlação de modelos de recursos e políticas para implantação e como aproveitar a API vManage para automação e integração de terceiros.

4:00 PM BRT

September 26 │ Secure Network Analytics

Monitoring with Secure Network Analytics (Portuguese)

Participe desta sessão onde nossos especialistas orientam você através dos conceitos e processos de monitoramento de alto nível para a solução Cisco Secure Network Analytics (SNA). Também serão abordadas as diferentes ferramentas de monitoramento do SNA e como usá-las para realizar reconhecimento de padrões, investigação e detecção de ameaças. Você também conhecerá as ferramentas úteis usadas para monitorar a implantação e a integridade do sistema.

4:00 PM BRT


Resource: Supporting links

  1. Bookmark/subscribe the Ask the Experts (ATXs) live schedule 
  2. Post-session materials including recording, session handout:
  3. FAQ

Hi, this sounds interesting. Any chance that sessions will be added for contact center and/or collaboration?

Brooke Hammer
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @bill.king1 ,

There are always new sessions being added so possibly. I will ask specifically about those though and see if there is a timeframe!


Thank you!

Level 1
Level 1

interesting, but agree would like to see collaboration and cloud calling\contact center

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