I have a muti-pod golf router setup. I have some IPv6 enabled machines on my lan that are connected with ACI leaf switches. I need to make them available on Golf. So, question is how do I send an IPv6 advertisement from my ACI to golf.
I have collapsed the functionality of my IPN and Golf into the same router. Attached with the post is my basic setup.
When I try and export IPv6 I do see the advertisement in my IPN/Golf router but it is not installed:
BGP routing table entry for [5][][0][64][2001:920:C002:12::]/29, version 6492
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table EVPN-BGP-Table)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
65001, (received & used) (metric 20) (via default) from (
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
EVPN ESI: 00000000000000000000, Gateway Address: ::, VNI Label 2260994, MPLS VPN Label 0
Extended Community: SoO:65001:33554415 RT:999:5333 ENCAP:8
Router MAC:0200.0AF4.0023
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0