Hello Guy,
This morning we tried to set up SPAN session on one of our borderleaves (N9K-C93180YC-EX) from eth 1/5 (src) to eth 1/24 (dst)
Eth1/5 is one of our L3OUT and Eth1/24 is connected to a WS-C6503-E (cisco) Ten 3/1
We set up the span session according to cisco documentation and demonstration on Aci side (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B41NAe-FOHs)
The port stayed "not connected" on eth1/24 and we looked in the log file :
%UDLD-SP-4-UDLD_PORT_DISABLED: UDLD disabled interface Te3/1, unidirectional link detected
%PM-SP-4-ERR_DISABLE: udld error detected on Te3/1, putting Te3/1 in err-disable state
So I didnt know much about UDLD and followed this issue I've ridden : http://blog.ine.com/tag/udld/
Finally we disabled udld on our 6503 and then it worked fine. We could have set udld in normal mode but prefered to disable at the moment.
My question is : Does 93180YC and ACI N9K in general support udld ? could we configure udld on leaf ?
Thanks in advance,