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How to query child elements of a class with moquery

Level 1
Level 1

Hi everyone,


I want to query only the ports that "Oper State: Down" and "Admin State: Up". They are not in the same class for moquery. The first one (Oper State) is listed under the


module and "Admin State" is listed under


how can I join them together with moquery? I've tried the following to get all children of the "l1PhysIf" but it doesn't work with moquery I am getting only attributes.

moquery -d topology/pod-2/node-1234/sys -c l1PhysIf -x query-target=children

When I send a GET req. with REST API I get all children as well, I can't understand why I can't see the children with moquery. any help would be appreciated, Thank you!




1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi Oguz,

<Edit 2024.05.16>

I've found a much neater answer using icurl instead of moquery. Remember  icurl command need to be run at the bash prompt if you want to include the &  character.

apic1# bash
admin@apic1:~> icurl -s "http://localhost/api/node/class/\
jq '("List of interfaces with adminSt=up and operSt=down"), (.imdata[].l1PhysIf.attributes.dn)'


I think you might be getting beyond the limits of moquery

I think the query you want might be:

moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf rsp-subtree-filter=ethpm.PhysIf.operSt=="down"' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"'

...but when I try it I get 

Error: too many values to unpack

so - unless our learned friends @Remi-Astruc , @Sergiu.Daniluk or @Marcel Zehnder can expand, you may have to learn some programming!

In the meantime, this ugly convoluted multiple egrepped output will actually give you a list of port that indeed are:

only the ports that "Oper State: Down" and "Admin State: Up".
moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"' -o json | egrep -B 20 '"operSt": "down"' | egrep '"dn"' least on my v5.1 APIC. If more attributes are atted later on, you may need to adjust the "-B 20" to a larger number. But better still, use awk or, as I said before, write a program!

RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

View solution in original post

9 Replies 9


Hi @O.K. ,

I had the same problem. It started a decent discussion on this forum with some helpful suggestions here. In a nutshell, I believe it is a bug, but there are work-arounds.


RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

Hi @RedNectar ,


Thank you for your reply. It helped me a lot. At least I can query the child elements now. But I can't access the child elements attributes using filters. Do you know how can I achieve that? I want to basically access two attributes from two different modules (one of them is child element.) Below is what I wrote and what I expect. Thank you in advance.


If I run the following on APIC:

moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"'

I get this:

# l1.PhysIf
id                             : eth1/8
adminSt                        : up
autoNeg                        : on
brkoutMap                      : none
bw                             : 0
childAction                    :
delay                          : 1
descr                          : LAN-XXX
dn                             : topology/pod-X/node-XYXY/sys/phys-[eth1/8]
dot1qEtherType                 : 0x8100
ethpmCfgFailedBmp              :
ethpmCfgFailedTs               : 00:00:00:00.000
ethpmCfgState                  : 0
fcotChannelNumber              : Channel32
fecMode                        : inherit
inhBw                          : unspecified
isReflectiveRelayCfgSupported  : Supported
layer                          : Layer2
lcOwn                          : local
linkDebounce                   : 100
linkLog                        : default
mdix                           : auto
medium                         : broadcast
modTs                          : 2021-05-26T09:51:17.840+02:00
mode                           : trunk
monPolDn                       : uni/infra/moninfra-default
mtu                            : 9000
name                           :
pathSDescr                     :
portT                          : leaf
prioFlowCtrl                   : auto
reflectiveRelayEn              : off
rn                             : phys-[eth1/8]
routerMac                      : not-applicable
snmpTrapSt                     : enable
spanMode                       : not-a-span-dest
speed                          : 1G
status                         : modified
switchingSt                    : enabled
trunkLog                       : default
usage                          : epg

# ethpm.PhysIf
  accessVlan         : vlan-XX
  allowedVlans       : XX-YY
  backplaneMac       : AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
  bundleBupId        : 2
  bundleIndex        : unspecified
  cfgAccessVlan      : vlan-XX
  cfgNativeVlan      : vlan-XX
  childAction        :
  currErrIndex       : 4294967299
  diags              : none
  dn                 : topology/pod-X/node-XYXY/sys/phys-[eth1/8]/phys
  encap              : 5
  errDisTimerRunning : no
  errVlanStatusHt    : 0
  errVlans           :
  hwBdId             : 0
  hwResourceId       : 0
  intfT              : phy
  iod                : 12
  lastErrors         : 0
  lastLinkStChg      : 2021-02-14T10:18:14.476+02:00
  media              : 2
  modTs              : never
  monPolDn           : uni/infra/moninfra-default
  nativeVlan         : vlan-XX
  numOfSI            : 0
  operBitset         : 3-4
  operDceMode        : edge
  operDuplex         : full
  operEEERxWkTime    : 0
  operEEEState       : not-applicable
  operEEETxWkTime    : 0
  operErrDisQual     : none
  operFecMode        : disable-fec
  operFlowCtrl       : 0
  operMdix           : auto
  operMode           : trunk
  operModeDetail     : unknown
  operPhyEnSt        : unknown
  operRouterMac      : 00:00:00:00:00:00
  operSpeed          : 1G
  operSt             : up
  operStQual         : none
  operStQualCode     : 0
  operVlans          : XX-YY
  osSum              : failed
  portCfgWaitFlags   : 0
  primaryVlan        : vlan-1
  resetCtr           : 1
  rn                 : phys
  siList             :
  status             :
  txT                : unknown
  usage              : epg
  userCfgdFlags      : 1
  vdcId              : 1

What I want to achieve here is to check two attributes and list them only if the conditions inside the filter are met. For this I have the following but it is not working instead gives back "No Mos found"


moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up" and ethpm.PhysIf.operSt=="down"'

I will be glad if you can help.


Have a nice day.

Hi Oguz,

<Edit 2024.05.16>

I've found a much neater answer using icurl instead of moquery. Remember  icurl command need to be run at the bash prompt if you want to include the &  character.

apic1# bash
admin@apic1:~> icurl -s "http://localhost/api/node/class/\
jq '("List of interfaces with adminSt=up and operSt=down"), (.imdata[].l1PhysIf.attributes.dn)'


I think you might be getting beyond the limits of moquery

I think the query you want might be:

moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf rsp-subtree-filter=ethpm.PhysIf.operSt=="down"' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"'

...but when I try it I get 

Error: too many values to unpack

so - unless our learned friends @Remi-Astruc , @Sergiu.Daniluk or @Marcel Zehnder can expand, you may have to learn some programming!

In the meantime, this ugly convoluted multiple egrepped output will actually give you a list of port that indeed are:

only the ports that "Oper State: Down" and "Admin State: Up".
moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"' -o json | egrep -B 20 '"operSt": "down"' | egrep '"dn"' least on my v5.1 APIC. If more attributes are atted later on, you may need to adjust the "-B 20" to a larger number. But better still, use awk or, as I said before, write a program!

RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

Hi guys

I agree, I think you can't filter on parent attributes and child attributes at the same time. Neither via moquery nor with a direct REST-call.

I recommend query all l1PhysIf-MOs with admitSt==up and use a python script to collect all l1PysIf-MOs where the ethpmPhysIf-Child's operSt==down.


Hello @RedNectar ,


I agree, this is ugly but it works : ) Thank you.

In the meantime, this ugly convoluted multiple egrepped output will actually give you a list of port that indeed are:

only the ports that "Oper State: Down" and "Admin State: Up".
moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'rsp-subtree=children rsp-subtree-class=ethpmPhysIf' -f 'l1.PhysIf.adminSt=="up"' -o json | egrep -B 20 '"operSt": "down"' | egrep '"dn"' 


I am going to write an Ansible playbook to get what I want, I think it is much better that way...


Kind Regards,


Oh yes - Ansible would be a much better approach. Post back here when you get it worked out and mark your own answer as correct (to help others)

Good luck!

RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

Level 1
Level 1

Let me know if this works for you,

for OUTPUT in $(moquery -c l1PhysIf -x 'query-target-filter=eq(l1PhysIf.adminSt,"up")' | grep -o "topology/pod-1/node-[0-9]..*/sys/phys-\[eth[0-9]/[0-9]*\]")
moquery -c ethpmPhysIf -x 'query-target-filter=and(eq(ethpmPhysIf.dn,"'"$OUTPUT"'/phys"),eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"down"))' | egrep 'dn'

This will return the interfaces that are admin "UP" and operational "DOWN". You can execute this directly on the APIC.

Hi @ecsnnsls ,

Although it missed all the FEX interfaces on my system*, I can confirm that your solution produces the same output, albeit much slower.

HOWEVER - your solution is much more elegant because it doesn't rely on positional values which could change at any time.

Pity it is so slow... possibly gets back to - "need to write some code"

*To allow the FEX interfaces you'd need to allow 3 digits for interface number and an extra "/" character - change 





RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

Hi @RedNectar ,

Yep, you are right, it is painfully slow and the best way is to create a customized script.

Good call on the fex. I missed it since I don't have a fex in my env.

Thanks again.

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