I have a scripted LDAP rpobe currently in use. It uses the anonymous bind authentication to work and it works just fine. However they want to go to a username and password instead for security reasons. So I used the script that was previously supplied on this forum to create the HEX. See below:
$username = "uid=XXXXXX,cn=support,dc=enterprise,dc=com";
$password = "XXXXX";
$len_username = length($username);
$xlen_username = sprintf("%02x", $len_username); $len_password = length($password); $xlen_password = sprintf("%02x", $len_password);
$username =~s/(.)/sprintf("%x",ord($1))/eg; $password =~s/(.)/sprintf("%x",ord($1))/eg;
$temp = "020103" . "04" . $xlen_username . $username . "80" . $xlen_password . $password; $tlen = length($temp) / 2; $xtlen = sprintf("%02x",$tlen);
$temp = "020101" . "60" . $xtlen . $temp;
$tlen = length($temp) / 2;
$xtlen = sprintf("%02x",$tlen);
$temp = "30" . $xtlen . $temp;
print $temp . "\n";
I get this result in HEX, (last 6 characters are changed )
I added them to the Probe script here:
ace_debug "sending ldap bind request"
puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*" NEW HEX STRING ]
flush $sock
However this doesn't work, am I putting this new HEX string in the proper place or does everything look right?