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TCL scripted probes on ACE

Level 1
Level 1


I have two questions about TCP scripts on ACE :

1. TCP source code

How can I browse the TCL source code of predefined probe scripts on the ACE (for instance HTTPCONTENT_PROBE) '

2. Script parameters

How do I retrieve in the TCL script the parameters passed to the script in the command < script script_name [script_arguments] >  ?

Thank you,


1 Reply 1

Gilles Dufour
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


you can download all the scripts from the download software page.

# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

# debug procedure
# set the EXIT_MSG environment variable to help debug
# also print the debug message when debug flag is on

proc set_exit_msg { msg } {
    global debug ip port EXIT_MSG

    set EXIT_MSG $msg
    if { [ info exists ip ] && [ info exists port ] } {
        set EXIT_MSG "[ info script ]:$ip:$port: $EXIT_MSG "
    if { [ info exists debug ] && $debug } {
        puts $EXIT_MSG

# main

# Parse cmd line args and initialize variables
set_exit_msg "initializing variable"
if { $argc <  2 } {
    set_exit_msg "[ info script ] parameters :
    exit 30002
set ip $scriptprobe_env(realIP)
set port $scriptprobe_env(realPort)
# If port is zero then use well known HTTP port 80
if { $port == 0} {
    set port 80

set requestHeader [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set expectFileType [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set debug [ lindex $argv 2 ]
if { $debug == "" } {
    set debug 0

# Open connection
set_exit_msg "opening socket"
set sock [ socket $ip $port ]

# Send HTTP request to server
set_exit_msg "sending request : $requestHeader"
puts -nonewline $sock "$requestHeader\n\n"
flush $sock

# Read string back from server
set_exit_msg "receiving response"
set lines [ read $sock ]

# Close connection
set_exit_msg "closing socket"
close $sock

# Parse the HTTP response
# All the following conditions cause probe failure, returning exit code 30002

# Unable to recognize the HTTP response
if { ![ regexp -nocase "^HTTP/1\.\[0-9\] (\[0-9\]\[0-9\]\[0-9\])" $lines match s
tatuscode ] } {
    set_exit_msg "probe fail : can't find status code"
    exit 30002

# HTTP response is not 200 OK
if { $statuscode != "200" } {
    set_exit_msg "probe fail : status code is $statuscode"
    exit 30002

# Unable to find Content-type header
if { ![ regexp  -nocase  "Content-Type *:(.*)\n" $lines match foundContentType]
} {
    set_exit_msg "probe fail : can't find \'Content-Type\' header"
    exit 30002

# Content-type value does not contain the requested string
if { ![ regexp "$expectFileType" $foundContentType]  } {
    set_exit_msg "probe fail : expect content-type \'$expectFileType\', but got
    exit 30002


# Indicate probe success with exit code 30001
set_exit_msg "probe success"
exit 30001