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Can no longer drag topology around

Brian Bergin
Level 4
Level 4

It appears that we're no longer able to click in an empty space and drag the topology around and instead it was replaced with a drag to select option.  While I understand the need to be able to select multiple items, this is a bad change, IMHO, for LANs with many devices.  Customer 1051 has 60+ items and I will require the ability to move this screen around.  Using scroll bars is simple clunky compared to what we had.  There's got to be a better way.

4 Replies 4

This was previously implemented as a stop-gap measure due to problems with the correct sizing of scrollbars.

Now that there are properly working scrollbars, this option was discontinued to make way for future uses of this type of mouse gesture. For example, in the manual layout, you can now drag on the background to do a rubber-band style select of multiple items, which you can then move around together.

In the future we envision more functionality being driven on a multiple selection (for example, edit multiple items simultaneously, mass restart of devices and such).

If there is enough strong feeling on the subject, we might be able to bring this back as an option, or maybe as an ALT+background drag.

I've used this a lot more in the past day or so and can safely say I really hate the scroll bars.  Perhaps a button that tuns on/off click to drag vs. drag to select would be the best of both worlds???

I will add this to the requirements list.



It looks like we'll add this back in in a slightly modified state. To be exact, you will need to hold the ALT key down and drag to obtain the scrolling behavior. Dragging without the ALT key pressed will continue to represent the new and intended multiple selection behavior, as described above.

This should hopefully be in our next software update, although i'm not sure when this will be deployed.