Brian Bergin
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎02-03-2009

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  • 654 Posts
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  • 101 Helpful votes Received
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Using a RV340W, a client of ours is now failing PCI compliance scanning as follows:   Question is how do we disable all the things the credit card company is claiming are answering on the WAN ports of this firewall?  They force us to whitelist their ...
For some reason this is just eluding me.  Using WAP371s attached to SG300 PoE swtiches we find that they become unstable after a few days in some situations (in others they never get flaky, it's very strange) and would like to use the Time Range opti...
It'd be great to see links in the warranty status reports that send people to a website that lists part numbers and ordering options to purchase or renew warranty contracts.  Seems like a great way for Cisco to sell these contracts.
There's plenty of room to use "End of Life Report" rather than EoX.  Given 75% of my very common HD display is wasted white space, I recommend you utilize more available space and don't abbreviate unless absolutely necessary.
In Port Management, on where Basic Information is displayed on the right after clicking a port, the oval boxes are not clear what they do (basic v. advanced).  I recommend replacing the buttons with words -or- put the words inside the buttons.  In fa...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-03-2009 07:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-06-2018 12:27 AM
Posts 654
Total Helpful Votes Received 101
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