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Level 1

Cisco RV 180W input.

Friday 10-14-2011.

Plugged in modem and waited for it to boot fully. Plugged power into RV180 and it powered on ok. Power light blinks. I don't think it should. If power is off on router it should be off. If it's on then power light should be on, steady, not blinking. I think the power light blinking can confuse people.

Internet worked automatically. Lan one light blinks and wan light is steady on. Internet just works.

Logged in fine with default log in info. Router Setup Wizard starts.

Device Mode options are an awesome thing to have. Good Job!

I select router. Checking network connection takes a while then says network connection has been detected. Works fine.

Configure system time and date. Enable network time sync.

Set router mac address. Use default. Successfully configured router, checking internet connection and says internet connection detected. Works fine. 

Click next to set router security.

Network name is set.

Enable security - secure your wireless network step 3 of 4. I select Best security WPA2 personal. Top most. I enter in a password with 7 letters and 1 number. It tells me to use a more secure key. It should accept my password. The 110w does just fine. So this in my opinion should be changed. It won't let me past unless I change it to whatever it wants which I don't know. So maybe there could be a disable enforcement like with the router log in password setting. My password is secure. I enter in random letters and numbers, up to 63 characters and it still says password is weak. There's no way 63 characters is weak. I think this should be worked on and improved. Only if you have one or more capital letters does it then say secure. Still, even with all lowercase 63 is secure enough. So I had to make one letter capital to make it work. Enable security takes a bit then works fine. I don't think this should take so long. Maybe 45 seconds and it finally worked. I press finish and it doesn't do anything for a bit. Then slowly logs into the router.

Once logged in I like the home page. I clicked on Dashboard and it doesn't show WAN info even though I'm online. Ok, it auto refreshes at 10 seconds. It took maybe 30-40 seconds then it finally shows me my wan info. ip, state connected etc is all fine. This confused me because it took so long to show the wan info. Only thing to say is I hope they can make it tell you yer wan info right away so people don't get confused and think something might be wrong. But also this is good info to have in manuals or help files etc that this could take a bit of time, but I'm not sure why it would.

This router web interface seems slow. I click on dashboard and it takes a bit to open.

Click on system summary and it pops up telling you to please wait while the page loads. This is slow.

Under LAN, DHCP Leased Clients, it doesn't list any. However I'm using my iMac, so it should be there I think. Confusing.

Networking/Routing/Routing Table. Route Display. In this text box it is all messed up. The text is not aligned properly and in my opinion it should be. Looks like this.

Kernel IP routing table

Destination      Gateway      Genmask      Metric  Ref      Use      Interface      Type          Flags 1      0      0      lo          Static      UP,Gateway,Host      0      0      0      bdg1          Dynamic      UP      0      0      0      eth1          Dynamic      UP      0      0      0      lo          Dynamic      UP      0      0      0      eth1          Dynamic      UP,Gateway



In firewall/advanced settings/custom services. add/edit custom services configuration screen. Type should list tcp/udp as in both. Not only separate them, but should have a both option. Make it much cleaner/easier instead of making multiple rules for tcp and udp.

Under status/view open ports. I think it should be nicer looking and aligned good for showing the text info in the text box.

With regards to connected dhcp client lease I said earlier didn't show any. Now in the Status/Available local network hosts, it shows my iMac and two others. So maybe I'm just confused or something.

Again as mentioned earlier, in email, it's nice to have the bandwidth info with a simplified view like they added for the 110w. I'm in port statistics.

Administration/WAN Traffic Meter.

This is kinda what I've talked about before. It's nice to email when certain x has been reached etc. Maybe add an upload to the download and both directions options for Traffic Limit Type. Might only have an upload limit from iso so it'd be nice to have that option as well.

A feature suggestion is this.

Add throttle user or whole network when x bandwidth is reached. So under when limit is reached it could have, slow connection to x, then an input box. You say when whole network or user reaches set download limit, slow user or network down to x speed. Like 200kB/sec or whatever. And email the user/admin of the router. /However the email part assumes you have ability to set up multiple users for the network like they have a log in to use the internet or just base it on ip or for the whole network etc. However since ip can change, then you'd have to make all static dhcp, so not so useful really, just a thought.

Where it says Traffic Limit Type, you set download. Please have GB added as an option because it's hard to think about how many mb is 50gb or whatever. So say you set up to have download limit 50gb in a month. Instead of 50000 whatever, you should be able to just say 50gb, 1gb, 250gb, 1tb, 1.2tb etc. And where it shows WAN internet traffic statistics, outgoing and incoming traffic volume, 0 MB or me right now, it should change to gb tb etc for easy to understand info.

Also it would be nice to have a port/protocol/lan ip statistics too. So you can tell what port has what bandwidth and what local lag ip so then you know what is abusing the network or causing issues etc. So it would look like say,

25gb, port, 119, local ip

6gb, port 80, local ip,

Something like that. And have a total as well so you know combined info. Like 45gb was on port 80 combined, then you have separate ip knowing how much each local ip did etc.

When rebooting router, would be nice to keep traffic counter info and all the bandwidth info so when the router reboots, it's not lost.

GREAT job on the help link popping up page relevant info where yer at in the web UI.

5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1

Under status and port statistics it is not showing packets. It's listing for packets rx as 0 and sending 0 also. Bug maybe.

Thank you for initial thoughts and great observation.

I'll go over each items that you've reported. Some definitely is bug.

I didn't get email for your response.

The more I use the net the more I think that the 180w is very slow. The 110w Internet is much faster.

>Power light blinks

Power light blinks only during booting process. It should be steady once stable. Please let me know if your unit pwr light is continously blinking.

>Device Mode options are an awesome thing to have. Good Job!


>I enter in random letters and numbers, up to 63 characters and it still says password is weak. There's no way 63 characters is weak.

I agreed. We could improve pw complexity algorthim to make it smarter.

>Maybe 45 seconds and it finally worked. I press finish and it doesn't do anything for a bit. Then slowly logs into the router.

Will it still slow if you try again? I suspect that you're doing this right after reboot which is notoriously known for its slowness.

>Once logged in I like the home page. I clicked on Dashboard and it doesn't show WAN info even though I'm online.

We're aware that it took awfully a long time for system to stabilize after reboot. You should see it run faster as time goes on (you can also check its cpu status for how much of its usage at the time). Having say that, we're still working to improve booting process time.

>Click on system summary and it pops up telling you to please wait while the page loads. This is slow.

Yes! It's slow for me too!

>Under LAN, DHCP Leased Clients, it doesn't list any. However I'm using my iMac, so it should be there I think. Confusing.

Please check again and let me know if it's still missing. 

>Networking/Routing/Routing Table. Route Display. In this text box it is all messed up. The text is not aligned properly.

It looked ok on my browser. Which pc OS and browser did you use when you saw this?

>Type should list tcp/udp as in both. Not only separate them, but should have a both option. Make it much cleaner/easier instead of making multiple rules for tcp and udp.

I'll make recommendation for this.

>Under status/view open ports. I think it should be nicer looking and aligned good for showing the text info in the text box.

Agree! I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>Administration/WAN Traffic Meter.

I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>Also it would be nice to have a port/protocol/lan ip statistics too.

I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>When rebooting router, would be nice to keep traffic counter info and all the bandwidth info so when the router reboots, it's not lost.

This would be tough. All counters is initialized after reboot. However I'll make suggestion to improve it accordingly.

>GREAT job on the help link popping up page relevant info where yer at in the web UI.

Thanks once again.

>Under status and port statistics it is not showing packets. It's listing for packets rx as 0 and sending 0 also.

It look like a bug. I filed bug report already.

>I didn't get email for your response.

Did you enable email-response feature in this forum yet? If you're already enable and still didnot receive email, please let me immediately.

>The more I use the net the more I think that the 180w is very slow. The 110w Internet is much faster.

I agree.

>Power light blinks

Power light blinks only during booting process. It should be steady once stable. Please let me know if your unit pwr light is continously blinking.

>Device Mode options are an awesome thing to have. Good Job!


>I enter in random letters and numbers, up to 63 characters and it still says password is weak. There's no way 63 characters is weak.

I agreed. We could improve pw complexity algorthim to make it smarter.

>Maybe 45 seconds and it finally worked. I press finish and it doesn't do anything for a bit. Then slowly logs into the router.

Will it still slow if you try again? I suspect that you're doing this right after reboot which is notoriously known for its slowness.

>Once logged in I like the home page. I clicked on Dashboard and it doesn't show WAN info even though I'm online.

We're aware that it took awfully a long time for system to stabilize after reboot. You should see it run faster as time goes on (you can also check its cpu status for how much of its usage at the time). Having say that, we're still working to improve booting process time.

>Click on system summary and it pops up telling you to please wait while the page loads. This is slow.

Yes! It's slow for me too!

>Under LAN, DHCP Leased Clients, it doesn't list any. However I'm using my iMac, so it should be there I think. Confusing.

Please check again and let me know if it's still missing. 

>Networking/Routing/Routing Table. Route Display. In this text box it is all messed up. The text is not aligned properly.

It looked ok on my browser. Which pc OS and browser did you use when you saw this?

>Type should list tcp/udp as in both. Not only separate them, but should have a both option. Make it much cleaner/easier instead of making multiple rules for tcp and udp.

I'll make recommendation for this.

>Under status/view open ports. I think it should be nicer looking and aligned good for showing the text info in the text box.

Agree! I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>Administration/WAN Traffic Meter.

I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>Also it would be nice to have a port/protocol/lan ip statistics too.

I'll make recommendation accordingly.

>When rebooting router, would be nice to keep traffic counter info and all the bandwidth info so when the router reboots, it's not lost.

This would be tough. All counters is initialized after reboot. However I'll make suggestion to improve it accordingly.

>GREAT job on the help link popping up page relevant info where yer at in the web UI.

Thanks once again.

>Under status and port statistics it is not showing packets. It's listing for packets rx as 0 and sending 0 also.

It look like a bug. I filed bug report already.

>I didn't get email for your response.

Did you enable email-response feature in this forum yet? If you're already enable and still didnot receive email, please let me immediately.

>The more I use the net the more I think that the 180w is very slow. The 110w Internet is much faster.

I agree.You will see it improve a bit as system stabilize.

Ya everything wan info etc showed eventually.

Receive email. notification is on in this forum. It was off then I think last night is when I clicked the link to enable it.