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ALX Read requests query too large. How to split request

Level 1
Level 1

I am looking for some assistance.  My axl request is fetching more then 8mb, which is generating a query too large error.  This is a soap request to list all users with their phone numbers.  Once I have this data, I was using this in a python script.  How can I break this query into smaller requests and then combine output?

Query request too large. Total rows matched: 2816 rows. Suggestive Row Fetch: less than 844 rows


1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
  • The simplest approach would be to use the <first>/<skip> elements to request only batch of X records, starting after finding Y records.  You would then increment <skip> by <first> and resend the request, and so on.
  • Another approach could be to use a '%' wildcard to segment the list, e.g.: <searchCriteria><userid>a%</userid></searchCriteria>, then <searchCriteria><userid>b%</userid></searchCriteria>, and on through the rest of the alphabet.
  • A third approach would be to use <executeSQLQuery> to execute a targeted SQL statement - this will give you more flexibility in segmenting the query criteria; you can also use SQL SKIP/FIRST to page.  The downside is the need to write to the quirky Informix Dynamic Server database language against the low-level CUCM databse schema.

With any of the approaches, you'll want to make sure you are requesting only the tags you need be returned.