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Parallel call distribution outside of huntgroups


Has anyone tried this before:

Incoming call (can be from an external source or internal) to a number (CTI Routepoint), and the call should then be broadcast to a set of phone numbers. These phone numbers should see the original information about the callee, not the information of the route point - so we're talking modifying caller identification.

As I understand it, a CTI Routepoint can modify caller information, but only when routing. But in this case it's not routing, it's creating a bunch of calls, then connecting the inbound call to the CTI Routepoint with the first destination that answered.

The only way I see would be having a third device making the call, the CTI Routepoint routing these calls and while doing so modifying the caller information, and then connect whichever call is first answered and terminate the rest of them (assuming you somehow get to connect the two calls together.. at this point they're on two different devices so you probably have to bounce the call from the CTI Port to the Routepoint first before connecting the two).

Anybody have a better idea (outside of huntgroups as the title says.)

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

When you say parallel call distribution it seems to indicate that all the phones should ring at the same time when a call comes into RoutePoint (RP). If one of the user answers the call, calls on all other phones should be disconnected. if this is what you are looking for, and if you have 10 phones to ring:  you will need 10 CTIPorts making a call through a route point (to change the calling party) which does a select route to the phone. 10 threads doing this will make it look like all the phones are ringing at the same time. Now when one of the phone answers, disconnect the call on all the other phones.

Depending on your use case you either have the original call from caller ringing at RoutePoint or answered and put on hold.

The second call is between the CTIPort and phone. You can then redirect the original call from RP to CTIPort and do a transfer. After transfer caller and phone are in call.

You need to take care of scenarios where ring no answer timeout causes the call to roll over to voice mail. Most likely you don't want to connect the call to voice mail and should use some VM detection techniques.


Okay, so basically no better idea and this is all there is I guess.