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Cisco Cafe - now open for business

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Right-o.  Here are the Club rules:

1.  Welcome mat is outside the door and it reads, "Leave your pride outside".
2.  No work-related stuffs here.  Whinging is acceptable.
3.  No religious topic/debate.
4.  No political topic/debate.
5.  No harassing and definitely no "below-da-belt" stuff.
6.  Jokes are welcome.  Just be sensible and have a good sense of humour.
7.  English language (`nuff said!) or provide translations.
8.  Aussie slangs and jargons exempted.  He he he ...
9.  Invites to your birthday party very much welcome, and a big thank you!
10.  Remember the explitive-filter-engine.  You've been warned.
11.  Giving points is optional ... it’s all up to you. 
12.  HAVE FUN!

Message was edited by: leolaohoo

197 Replies 197


I am sorry but for some unknown reason when I read that I actually laughed out loud, it might have been because of the power oversight I had literally just had made before I read your post. Sorry for going on about it I just got hung on it and when I saw the upside down mouse in Leo's pic it was just too much to bear. 

Getting your Master's is a great acomplishment and I do applude you. It is one of the few regrets in life that I have, not getting a college degree.

Sorry for confusing the post order....I am just going to the end from now on.


Hi Mike,

Don't apologize. I like it when people are making fun of me in such a friendly manner. The tears are fake!   (And have in mind that I am joking 99,999...% of the time. If you ever sense a perhaps evil tone in my words, then something implicitly or explicitly rude that I can't ignore must have been said previously). Did I tell you the "gym story"? I went to a gym because I had issues with my back due to improper posture in front of the computer. A member of the staff is showing me around. At some point I am finished with an exercise and must go to the next, but can't find the staff member. I look at the paper they gave me and locate the next equipment. I'm thinking "come on, how hard can it be?". I sit and try to do the exercise. Not many kilos there, but can't lift them. I gradually reduce the weight to the smallest possible. Still can't make it. A member of the gym approaches me and tells me "you are sitting in the opposite direction"!  So, it seems I repeat the same mistake in various contexts

In my country people are not generally paid a lot of money (10-15 thousand euros is typical yearly income, while cost of living is rather high). Getting a degree is easier than in other countries, because parents usually support their children financially and most schools are free. There are many people with degrees and post graduate studies having a hard time getting a job. In any case, whatever you choose to do in life, chances are you might wonder what would have happened if you had done something else. I don't get proud very easily, which is bad sometimes. Most of my current joy is due to the fact that the master-era is over. I kind of regretted doing it. At some point I interrupted my studies and got a job. I went back to get it only because I had done most of the work and didn't want to quit like that. I don't like the academic environment very much. A lot of stress and no production system. Also, the people in academia are sometimes too typical, other times snobbish, and usually care more about "great ideas" instead of making things work. One of the main reasons I like these forums is the fact that people here are resolving real issues every day.

Kind Regards,


Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Maria,

Well said my friend +5 for this.

I work in a University here in Canada (MRU) and sometimes the whole

"academia" scene can be so boooooring, that is why the people here just seem so

great! No pretenses, we can laugh at ourselves and no hurt feelings. It's just

the way life should be. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments

these can never be taken away from you! Too cool!

Your discomfort from your "Mouse" story will pale in comparison to my story

for next week It's one of the craziest things I have ever done at work. I'm still

laughing at this one!



Thanks Maria..... I was just looking at my posts and I may have been going too far and too long...and wanted to make sure I did not offend. Thing is I can make fun at myself with the best of them and I some times forget not all people can handle some ribbing over and over.

Too funny about the gym. I am going to start going so I will have to look to make sure I am sitting the right way so I won't have to post that here as well 

Maria and Huff, I do agree with you on the degree thing. I did take some classes about a years worth later in life and actually did very well. The main reason that I wish I had done it right out of high school is that my daughter followed basicly in my footsteps and did just shy of two years of school before getting a very good job. I think maybe if I finished she might have.

Well have to get back to work..... enjoy Friday!


And 5+ on the posts...thanks


I found out it was not your problem with the Pink all had to do with where the Pink mouse was manufactured. I have attached a picture for clarification. So I do apologize for my poking at you.... 

Hey Mike,

I'm afraid there has been a small misundertanding. There were 3 mouses: one pink (baby pink to be accurate) normal usb, one red also usb, and the third and evil one was this model: (mine has the colors reversed, so its a dark, serious tech guy's mouse ). The evil mouse was way more expensive than the other two. In the end I bought the pink as well because the bluetooth didn't work right away with my linux, I was bored to check how to fix the situation (the bluetooth mouse also needs batteries and often loses signal even when I use windows) and I also hate it for obvious reasons!

If you take a close look at the picture you will see that the mouse buttons extend from the top to the bottom, so it's possible to click even if position is reversed. I have no excuse for the scroll wheel though. When I went to the site, and before I realized my mistake, I read the "ergonomic" phrase and thought "yeah, right, ergonomic my you_know_what"!

Kind Regards,


Whats going on folks...Just wanted to share in case anyone has an interest. CWNP is sponsoring 3 STUDY kits and im kicking in $300 ($100 each) for a give away. But there is a twist...

"Satisfaction does not come from knowing the solution, it comes from knowing why." - Rosalind Franklin

Hey George,

Do you happen to have any free guides for the well-known and prestigious across the industry MBME (aka Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse Expert)  certification? Cause I am confident I do have the hands-on for that. If there are multiple ways of using that device, I believe I have practiced all of them.

Kind Regards,



You slay me....     MBME (aka Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse Expert)!!!   too funny. The scary part is that I am suprized they don' t have that cert just to make some more cash.


Great offer! I would take you up but I am currently cramming for my CCNP. I just took the beta TSHOOT exam and I do have to say it was a very good exam. I loved the format and I think it fits very well with real world testing and eliminates cheating. I think Cisco is going down the right path with this type of exam.


You slay me....     MBME (aka Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse Expert)!!!   too funny. The scary part is that I am suprized they don' t have that cert just to make some more cash.

Okay, now i am officially offended. I may not have many certs but i do happen to have the MBME and i can tell you it was one of the hardest things i have ever done. I have been told by a guy who knows a guy etc. that the MBME is only slightly easier than the CCIE which makes me very optimistic about my chances.  Are you saying this isn't the case Mike

If "she who cannot be addressed" had only dropped me a quick line i would have been able to put her straight on the correct use of the mouse. Note that a large part of the MBME covers the different colours available but you'll be glad to know that they all pretty much function the same way !


Ode to Leo and his new Red star.

Leo joined this illustrious Community a mere 2 years ago.
And now he has earned the coveted Red star and the congrats are starting to echo.
Some say he did it for foutune and fame.
But the people know and love him know that was not his aim.
He has logged nearly 4200 posts and is as sharp as a knife.
It is clear with the time that posts take he clearly needs a life.
Now with all this under his belt and the Cisco Cafe humming along.
He is going to keep posting and sitting by the liquid cooled computer all nightlong.

Jon oh great one. Forgive my mere moral self. I bow to your greatness and ask for forgiveness. I know not of what I speak for mentally I have yet to develop. If I have offended thee I am deeply saddened. I shall go now and bow my head in shame and reflect on the hurt I have caused.



After much soul searching i have decided to forgive you this time but if you even mention one word in jest about the MIKE (Microsoft Internet Keyboard Expert), my only other cert and yes it was just as hard,  then i'm afraid i shall have to sever all communcations



I do so thank you. I can now go on with my day. I would never jest about the cert MIKE for I have obtained not one but two of those very prestigious certs one was labeled "failed" and the other "failed again" I have yet to find out if that gives me a higher standing in the Microsoft community but I do know it says something about me.... 

Hi guys,

My God, I'm laughed so much with your latest posts that my cheeks hurt and I believe I won't need any ab workout for the rest of the year!

Jon, regarding the MBME certification that you hold: I don't know how you managed to get it, but it seems you hadn't read the study tips for passing the MBME lab (BTW: lab equipment consists of a single mouse and rumours say there is a trick question that cannot be disclosed and causes many Maria's to fail ). The tips are pretty much similar to the CCIE study tips (e.g. if there are multiple ways of configuring a feature, practice all of them ), so I think the level of difficulty should be pretty close to CCIE exams.

Kind Regards,



Did you like the ode to Leo and his red star....see ask and you shall receive.

Glad to make you smile.....
