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Make Your Voice Heard Through Our New Community Voting System

Daniel Bruhn
Level 8
Level 8

The Community Voting System will enable users to both identify a question that they will like to see answered and reward members who provide answers to those highly demanded questions.



One of the biggest challenges we face in the Cisco Support Community is not  knowing how many users share a similar problem or are simply interested in knowing the answer to an unanswered question. By allowing  all members to identify interest in a question being answered drives more visibility in answering those questions.

Voting helps:

  • Identify the questions that the community has the most interest in being solved
  • Drives awareness of issues that need to be addressed within Cisco
  • Reduces duplicate questions
  • Increases the quantity of users that are answering questions


The votes will increase the visibility and interest in answering high   demand questions by assigning more points to members for answering them.

Members will be able to vote up by an increment of +1 questions that they have an interest in seeing resolved by clicking on the “I have this problem”  button. The total count of members who would like to see that question resolved is displayed on the vote button.


A fixed number of additional points will be assigned per voting range:

  • 1 – 10 votes = 5 points
  • 11 – 25 votes = 10 points
  • 26+ votes = 15 points

In order for the respondent to receive the additional points, the question either needs to marked as “resolved” by the author or is   “Endorsed”.



Cheers, Dan
5 Replies 5

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Dan,

Another great addition to the CSC landscape!! As always, you

folks continue to improve's amazing

Congrats to the whole CSC team.



"Spend your life waiting,
for a moment that just don't come,
Well, don't waste your time waiting" 


Hi Rob,

Appreciate the kind words.  We hope everyone finds this to be a useful feature on CSC.



Cheers, Dan

I saw this yesterday.  It's a pretty good idea too.

Gotten over your jet-lag yet, Dan?  

Hi Leo,

Glad to hear you like the new voting feature.

Cisco Live London was a blast.  I'll be posting a blog about my time there next week.  I didn't have to worry about jet-lag coming home because I never got over my jet-lag from when I arrived in London



Cheers, Dan

I didn't have to worry about jet-lag coming home because I never got over my jet-lag from when I arrived in London