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Type of Python scripts that will move me into a Network Engineer role


So I'm still looking to get into a N.E. role. I've got something similar doing hardware testing, and 1.5 months ago I got accepted as a Junior Level N. Engineer, the Network Manager is waiting for approval to send the offer letters out, and so I don't know what's going on with that, but when he gets approval I'm hired.

So I restarted applying yesterday, and I'm looking to add some scripts to my resumé/ Github. 

A little background. I got my CCNP Enterprise (I plan on taking the ENARSI in about 4 weeks actually, I passed the ENCOR with a 92%, and I plan on passing this), and I learned Python to the extent where I wrote applications and scripts, so my Python is pretty decent.


On my resumé I included something that reacts to EEM pings, strips the ip header off the ping, logs into the device, finds the interface with traffic, and goes off arp tables to each device find congestion in a network. It's a passive program which runs continuously (ideally on a server). I wrote some other stuff too. These are all in GNS/EVE-NG environments.


I'm trying to decide between one of two things next to improve my chances, just in case this other job falls through.

One is port firewall rules. Take a set of ACL's with ports. SSH into devices check if they exist, give the use the option to plug in the ACL by itsel or a group object into the device. Then check inbound and outbound TCP connections/UDP (inside and outside the network), before and after the changes and compare the effects. I plan on running the code on a Linux VM inside EVE-NG against a bunch of firewalls/routers/switches, amking a quick video and uploading the code to github.


The other one is run configurations on devices, and check internal and external connectivity before and after the configs are uploaded, as well as any routing table changes (example pinging a range of subnets before and after the changes).


Which one of these 2 scripts would help improve my chances of getting a job? They're both going to be only in EVE-NG of course, but with actual device firmware, maybe I'll run the TCP connections/pings to outside websites or servers.

I'm trying to think which of the two would firstly impress HR more (as they only seem to care about experience), and then the employer themselves.

Any suggestions would be appreciated especially coming from people with experience.

16 Replies 16

If you want to dig into an MSP's costs vs revenue, a good place to start for publicly traded companies is in their quarterly (10-Q) and annual (10-K) Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Use your favorite search engine to find their 10-Q and 10-K filings either on their own websites, or on the SEC's.

Disclaimer: I am long in CSCO

Thanks I will do that.

I got my lab set up and ready to write out this firewall script, finish it up, then re apply really heavy.



Thanks for the help.