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Cisco DNA and add-border/add-control-plane through API

Level 3
Level 3


Struggling a bit with adding several roles to a node through the API. When i first add device A as control-plane, all is fine - but when i try to use the add_border-call, the API responds with "device already has a role". This has been a problem in the API from 1.3.3.x to now in Anyone have a way to do this? Maybe the proper way? In the GUI, i can enable all roles before deploying, but doesnt seem to be a way to add roles before pushing the deployment in the API.

2 Replies 2

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I am assuming that you have already looked at this: Overview - Cisco DNA Center Platform - Document - Cisco DevNet

Can you share additional information that may better assist the community with trying to help you.  Perhaps the error you receive, your payload/code?  Have you worked with TAC in the past on this issue? Did they issue a defect for the API, if so can you share the defect?

Preston Chilcote
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I see the same problem trying to configure control-plane and then edge features.  I spoke with engineering on this and was informed that APIs for multi-role are not available today, but may show up as soon as the next release.  You can help prioritize it by submitting a make-a-wish explaining how valuable it is to you.


The current plan (subject to change) is to use the border-device API with a new parameter:


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