Hi Guys,
I am trying to get over the exercises of DataKnox (CBT) for the DNAC Center.
But in many of them I am getting the following error.
'{"message":"Role does not have valid permissions to access the API"}\n'
for instance in the cli_runner
I am using the DNA Sandbox from Cisco.
base_url = "https://sandboxdnac2.cisco.com/dna"
auth_endpoint = "/system/api/v1/auth/token"
username = 'devnetuser'
password = 'Cisco123!'
auth_headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json"
auth_response = requests.post(url=f"{base_url}{auth_endpoint}", auth=(
username, password), headers=auth_headers, verify=False).json()
Is there a way I can complete the exercises?
Please let me know.