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UCS PowerTool Assistance

Level 1
Level 1


Being new to UCS and to the UCS PowerTool and being exposed to what it can do at the most recent Cisco Live, I can see the benefit of using it.  With that said, here is my question:

I have been able to create four credential files, since I have four domains to manage.  I have been able to create the PowerTool scritpt to connect to one with no problem, but when I try to modify it so that I can log into all four at once, that is where I seem to have an issue.  I open up PowerTool and execute the following:

Set-UcsPowerToolConfiguration -SupportMultipleDefaultUcs $true

$CredFileKey = ConvertTo-SecureString 'unlockme' -AsPlainText -Force

connect-ucs -LiteralPath C:\scripts\creds\all.xml -key $credfilekey

The all.xml file contains:


  $handle1 = <ucs name="" username="stehlik_jim" password="WSJEfwFfr8IYALzNSnOZSxWd2j49XhYMBji/fkOl2zE=" /> -NotDefault

  $handle2 = <ucs name="" username="stehlik_jim" password="oDw4IqPp/kOZZSjb4jq0oZBAC6E7FpWPoK35LnG0ILc=" /> -NotDefault

  $handle3 = <ucs name="" username="stehlik_jim" password="D0yZGcu/5P9dtoVgpclKK6GbOU4yzf7xzRRh4wxEii8=" /> -NotDefault

  $handle4 = <ucs name="" username="stehlik_jim" password="VlnCfGYIKPe46z0c7xABsMWkcCsMgmLE6D6oG3DMA7Y=" /> -NotDefault


It appears to connect to all four, but I think I am having an issue with the $handle$ variable not being assigned because when I issue this command:


Get-UcsStatus -Ucs $handle1

I get nothing in return.  So, what am I missing to be able to select which one of the four domains I would like to issue a command against?  This will then lead to my next posted question regarding moving Service profiles.

Thank you,


6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I'm assuming you edited the XML file to add the $handleX = portion.  That's not proper format for that particular file.  Here is an example of a properly configured file:


  <ucs name="" username="admin" password="ROuTtdyZVzmdNkKfahLktQ==" />

  <ucs name="" username="admin" password="RZpaZdvGnVtq+hlIbHxCOw==" />

  <ucs name="" username="admin" password="S6TQYbx+FPAeSly5QEfxZgis+WAkt21UyoGirvPMf="/>

  <ucs name="" username="admin" password="+bknnf8MMDZldALpROeQif5cLtCxL4Qu3BC6ez7J0lg=" />


I would do the same as what you did with the first three cmdlets, but you don't need to specify a handle.  What you can do is perform a get-ucspssession, and there will be a UCS property. 

You can use that to show what UCS PowerShell sessions have been authenicated and added to the default UCS handle variable, called $DefaultUcs.  Here is an example:

PS C:\ucs> connect-ucs

cmdlet Connect-Ucs at command pipeline position 1

Supply values for the following parameters:


Proxy                 :

Cookie                : 1374015132/559aebeb-f8ee-4501-88fc-23f480de5011

Domains               :

LastUpdateTime        : 7/16/2013 5:58:46 PM

Name                  :

NoSsl                 : False

NumPendingConfigs     : 0

NumWatchers           : 0

Port                  : 443

Priv                  : {admin, read-only}

RefreshPeriod         : 600

SessionId             : web_27407_B

TransactionInProgress : False

Ucs                   : eric

Uri                   :

UserName              : admin

VirtualIpv4Address    :

Version               : 2.1(1a)

WatchThreadStatus     : None

PS C:\ucs> Get-UcsPSSession

Proxy                 :

Cookie                : 1374015132/559aebeb-f8ee-4501-88fc-23f480de5011

Domains               :

LastUpdateTime        : 7/16/2013 5:58:46 PM

Name                  :

NoSsl                 : False

NumPendingConfigs     : 0

NumWatchers           : 0

Port                  : 443

Priv                  : {admin, read-only}

RefreshPeriod         : 600

SessionId             : web_27407_B

TransactionInProgress : False

Ucs                   : eric

Uri                   :

UserName              : admin

VirtualIpv4Address    :

Version               : 2.1(1a)

WatchThreadStatus     : None

PS C:\ucs> $DefaultUcs

Proxy                 :

Cookie                : 1374015132/559aebeb-f8ee-4501-88fc-23f480de5011

Domains               :

LastUpdateTime        : 7/16/2013 5:58:46 PM

Name                  :

NoSsl                 : False

NumPendingConfigs     : 0

NumWatchers           : 0

Port                  : 443

Priv                  : {admin, read-only}

RefreshPeriod         : 600

SessionId             : web_27407_B

TransactionInProgress : False

Ucs                   : eric

Uri                   :

UserName              : admin

VirtualIpv4Address    :

Version               : 2.1(1a)

WatchThreadStatus     : None

PS C:\ucs> Get-UcsStatus -ucs eric

Name                       : eric

VirtualIpv4Address         :

HaConfiguration            : cluster

HaReadiness                : ready

HaReady                    : yes

EthernetState              : full

ChassisSerial1             : FOX1327GF45

ChassisSerial2             :

ChassisSerial3             :

Chassis1Status             : ok

Chassis2Status             : unknown

Chassis3Status             : unknown

FiALeadership              : subordinate

FiAManagementServicesState : up

FiAOobIpv4Address          :

FiAOobIpv4DefaultGateway   :

FiAOobIpv4SubnetMask       :

FiBLeadership              : primary

FiBManagementServicesState : up

FiBOobIpv4Address          :

FiBOobIpv4DefaultGateway   :

FiBOobIpv4SubnetMask       :


I appreciate your answer, but your solution does not work for me.

I have modified my credential xml file and removed the $handle# = and the  /> -NotDefault from each line.

I run the following commands:

Set-UcsPowerToolConfiguration -SupportMultipleDefaultUcs $true

$CredFileKey = ConvertTo-SecureString 'unlockme' -AsPlainText -Force

connect-ucs -LiteralPath C:\scripts\creds\all.xml -key $credfilekey

It would appear to work because it returns the versions of each UCM that I asked it to log in.

The problem that I have now is that when I then issue the command:


I get nothing in return.  It just shows my PS C:\scripts> prompt

Now on the other hand, when I modify my credential file so that it only has one line in between the ucshandles tags, I do get the results that you show following the command Get-UscPSSession.

But, if I were to enter the following commands without using a credential xml file, it works how I would expect it.

$handle1 = Connect-Ucs <ip1> -NotDefault

$handle2 = Connect-Ucs <ip2> -NotDefault

Get-UcsStatus -Ucs $handle1,$handle2

The above code lets me log into to UCS domains and the shows the status for both.  If I were to change the last command to:

Get-UcsStatus -Ucs $handle2

It would only show me information on Domain 2.

Thank you,


Can we please do a webex regarding this either tomorrow, or early next week as I'm on PTO Thursday and Friday?



We sure can.  I really hope that I am not imposing.  Just frustrated that I can't get it work the way I would like it to.

My e-mail is  I am in the Midwest so its Central time zone for me.  I do have a meeting from 10 - 11, but other than that, I am available.

Thank you again,


I sent you a direct email.


Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same trouble, I cannot get "Get-UcsServer" to work when I connect to multiple domains. I get the "Default list is blank" error even though Get-UcsPSSession returns the list of domains I am connected to.


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