on 09-18-2020 11:19 AM - edited on 11-21-2021 09:50 PM by gikorde
UCS Management Pack 2.0(6) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 (FIPS and NON-FIPS mode)
This version of the management pack supports VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 (FIPS and NON-FIPS mode)
Download link:
Release Notes:
User Guide:
UCS Management Pack 2.0(5) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 8.0 and 8.1
This version of the management pack supports VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8.0 and 8.1
Download link:
Release Notes:
UCS Management Pack 2.0(4) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 6.6.1/6.7/7.0/7.5
This version of the management pack supports VMware vRealize Operations Manager 6.6.1/6.7/7.0/7.5 with the following new features:
Download link:
Release Notes:
UCS Management Pack 2.0(3) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 6.3/6.4/6.5/6.6/6.7/7.0
This version of the management pack supports VMware vRealize Operations Manager 6.3/6.4/6.5/6.6/6.7 and addresses few bugs along with new features as:
Download link:
Release Notes:
UCS Management Pack 2.0(2) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 6.2/6.3/6.4
This version of the management pack supports VMware vRealize Operations Manager 6.2/6.3/6.4 and addresses few bugs.
Download link:
Release Notes:
UCS Management Pack 2.0(1) for VMWare vRealize Operations Manager 6.0/6.1
Happy to announce that UCS Management Pack 2.0 for vRealize Operations 6.0/6.1 is on Cisco.com.
This pack contains UCS Manager Adapter which helps in monitoring the UCS domain physical infrastructure within vRealize Operations. It provides correlation between the UCS physical and the VMWare virtual infrastructure components and features several capabilities including UCS inventory, monitoring UCS health and alerts, viewing correlations and I/O power, temperature performance metrics from within vRealize Operations.
Download Link:
Release Notes:
External customers - For any issues, contact Cisco TAC (highly recommended for quick resolution) or add a discussion to the Cisco Developed Integrations sub-space on Cisco UCS Communities. Send your suggestions for new features to ucs-vmw-plugins@cisco.com.
Internal (Cisco) customers and employees - Contact us at ucs-vcops@cisco.com for support questions and ucs-vmw-plugins@cisco.com for roadmap questions, new feature requests and feedback.
UCSM Management Pack 1.1(1) for VMWare vCenter Operations Manager 5.8.x
New features in this release: All of UCSM Management Pack 1.0.1 features plus the following;
Supported Cisco UCS Manager versions - 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
Support VMware vCenter Operations Manager versions - 5.8 (5.8.2 and above)
Software Download:
Release Notes:
User Guide:
Cisco UCS Manager Adapter User Guide, Release 1.x for VMware vCenter Operations Manager - Cisco
Blue Medora is currently beta testing an updated version of it's vROps Management Pack for Cisco UCS that adds UCS Central in addition to the previously supported UCS Manager.
If you have interest in trying it out, contact beta@bluemedora.com
We just installed the UCS management pack 2.0.3 on our vROPS 6.4 appliance. But we have a strange behavior related to user accounts:
If I login to vROPS with the local admin I can see Dashboard and the configured adapter just under the local admin account. Not for vCenter Server admin. If I configure the adapter with a vCenter Server admin. I can see now that the adapter is configured for both local admin and vCenter Server admins but the Dashboards are still empty for the vCenter Server admins. Just the local admin is seeing the collected data. I also change the vrealize user in the adapter settings to both local and vcenter server admin user, but this isn't changing this behavior.
Hi Oliver,
We are unable to reproduce your issue in-house. Please let us know your available timings so that we can have a web-ex to understand your issue better.
I'm working with a customer and we have successfully implemented the management pack to monitor several UCS domains. I'm trying to determine if this management pack can be used with individual Cisco servers, in this case a C220 M4S. They have a few that are not managed within a UCS domain and would like to monitor these in vRealize Operations.
What are the port requirements for the adapter? UCS is in OOB network for me and VROPS is behind the FW. What ports do I need to open on FW for the communication to work?
Thanks. !
Hi Neil,
This is currently not supported by our management pack. Only servers managed by UCS Domains are supported.
Hi Aman,
You will need to open either port 443 or 80 depending on the configuration of your adapter. Please make sure that UCS Manger is reachable from the vROps network.
Vikramarjuna M
installed new vROPs v6.6.1 & new UCS pack v2.0.3 but process fails on UCS instance configuration access.
using local vrops & local ucs accounts which produces error:
Unable to establish a valid connection to the target system. Test failed! Error(551) - Authentication failed
here's a screenshot of credential used, which was reported as working on march 8 in this forum:
i confirmed i can login to ucs & vrops using the specified local credentials, so what am i missing?
I had the same issue. Look at Andrew Cody's reply from March 8th. For the VROM credentials I had to plug in the local admin as shown in his attached jpeg and the connection then worked.
When is support coming out for this for vROPs 7.0? vROPs 7.0 went GA August 27th, 2018.
Is there any intention to ever add support for standalone UCS servers ?
Hi Robertson,
There are no plans as of now. We will update you if in future we will add the support.
is there a management pack for Cisco rack mount c-Series to monitor using VROPS ? current cisco ucs plugin (2.0.3) is not allowing to add c series servers.
Hi ,
Cisco UCS Management pack supports servers, both blades and racks, managed through FI (UCS Manager) only. It does not support standalone rack servers. We do not have any plans as of now to support standalone servers.
We will let you know when we add the support.
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