02:45 PM
- edited on
05:13 AM
We are pleased to announce the release of Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite version 2.4.1.
Cisco UCS PowerTool suite is a set of PowerShell modules for Cisco UCS Manager, Cisco IMC and Cisco UCS Central that helps in configuration and management of Cisco UCS domains and solutions.
Key Features in Release 2.4.1
Key Features in Release 2.3.1
Key Features in Release 2.2.1
Installer download (from cisco.com):
Module download (from Powershell Gallery):
Reference: Cisco UCS PowerTool Command Reference for Cisco UCS Manager
External customers - For any queries/feedback on PowerTool, contact Cisco TAC or ucs-powertool@cisco.com or add a discussion to the Cisco Developed Integrations sub-space on Cisco UCS Communities
We are also on Slack - slack requires registration, but the cisco-ucs-powertool channel on powershell team is open invitation to anyone to register here. Once you join the powershell slack team you can join cisco-ucs-powertool channel here
Internal (Cisco) customers and employees - Contact us at ucs-powertool@cisco.com for support questions and ask-ucs-tme@cisco.com or ask-ucs-pm@cisco.com for roadmap questions and feedback.
Great job with supporting the gallery now.
I have an issue where I am trying to get the faults for a blade. If I use
it shows multiple faults. If I use
Get-UcsBlade | Get-UcsFault
it returns nothing?
andrewjpalmer, the Get-UcsFault cmdlet can only accept a single managed object for input. You can see this in the help documentation:
Get-UcsFault -ManagedObject <ManagedObject>
If you get a specific blade instance and then pipe it to Get-UcsFault, you'll then get results.
Get-UcsBlade -Chassis 1 -SlotId 1 | Get-UcsFault
In addition to what Joseph said, you could stick it into a PowerShell loop like the following:
(DISCLAIMER: I didn't test this exact cmd but have done this loop with UCS POwerTool many times before)
foreach ($chassis in 01..20) {foreach ($blade in 01..08) {Get-UcsBlade -Chassis $chassis -SlotId $blade | Get-UcsFault } }
***change 20 chassis and 8 blades to be the correct number based on your environment. ***
I'm not sure short hand nested looping would work, but if it did it would be something like this:
1..20 | %{ $chassis = $_; 1..8 | %{ Get-UcsBlade -Chassis $chassis -SlotId $_ | Get-UcsFault } }
Best wishes.
I managed to figure out the issue. The fault is actually for the service profile rather than the blade so Get-UcsServiceProfile | Get-UcsFault now works.
Hi Team,
I want to know if UCS PowerTool suite is licensed product and he needs separate license for UCS PowerTool.
I would also like to confirm if Cisco UCS PowerTool suite will be part of intersight or separate tool.
Cisco UCS PowerTool does not require a separate license.
Hi Jeffery,
Thank you for your response.
I just want to confirm id cisco ucs power tool will be part of intersight or it will be a separate tool.
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