I'm trying to apply certificates from our internal CA to bypass the prompt for certificate acceptance at Jabber launch. I'm now down just being prompted for the tomcat certificate from my Presence Publisher. The cert is issued to the FQDN of that server, so I'm not sure if there's an option I need to change somewhere in CUPS or CUCM.
I've issued tomcat, cup-xmpp, and cup-xmpp-s2s certificates for both of my presence servers. The cluster topology has the correct FQDN for both hosts (pub.voip.company.com and sub.voip.company.com). In CUCM the IM and Presence UC Service entries both have the FQDN. The XMPP Certificate settings also has the domain voip.company.com and the checkbox selected, both the cup-xmpp and cup-xmpp-s2s certs were created after the selection.