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Level 1
Level 1

Hey all,


Is there a feature that would allow me to disable file transfers, remote control or chat capabilities directly on the Webex Desktop app? Our goal is to restrict these features so that when we connect to an external Webex site from our local Webex app, our users won't be able to perform any of these features.


"Control Hub" or "Webex site administration" only seem to restrict these features to our own site, but no controls over the application itself. We've done this type of customization with other Collaboration tools using GPOs. Do you have something similar that would allow us to restrict these security features directly on the desktop app so that when we connect to external parties or vendors our employees can't transfer files, chat or allow remote desktop control?


Cisco support claims this is possible, but they were unable to provide me with documentation stating how to enable these features.



1 Comment

We are having this issue as well. +1

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