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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: null on 05-12-2005 10:58:07 AM
I have a decision element which has 5 exits and universal to played , but the performance of this element is quite slow when I deployed the application. It is taking 5 sec to 1 min just to make the correct decision and go to the next element, which is quite unacceptable. Is there any way I can improve the performance of the decision flag.
I am developing application in audium3.3 with audium java api.

Thanks in advance

Subject: RE: Decision performance
Replied by: Michael Bochynski on 05-12-2005 01:59:33 PM

Note that the 5 seconds you noticed might not be spent only in the Decision element. It might be grammar recognition as well. If you use complex grammar to gather user input, voice browser and ASR engine might take most of this time recognizing input. We have noticed this kind of behavior with some browsers.

Another factor is the decision itself. If it is a Java code accessing external resources, it might also play a role.

I would suggest looking into voice browser and Audium logs to check timestamps for each element to check where exactly the call sits for this 5 seconds. You might want to replace, for testing purposes only, your choice options with built-in Menu element and see whether this changes processing times. This element uses built-in grammar, which speeds up the process of recognition.

Hope this helps,
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