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Created by: Vivek Vadivel on 08-11-2012 11:47:29 AM
Currently I am using  the following to send the data from CVP script  to ICM script.
How do I extend the array to 5?  i.e. adding FromExtVXML[4] so that I can pass the data back to ICM script using FromExtVXML[4].
I am using CVP 8.5
Thanks in advance.

Subject: RE: New Message from Vivek Vadivel in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 08-11-2012 11:53:50 AM
You can work with 5 variables in total.
Call.user.microapp.FromExtVXML[0] through [3]

For adding more, You can just add delimiters to one of the arrays and pad it to send more variables or info.
From: Cisco Developer Community Forums []
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 11:48 AM
Subject: New Message from Vivek Vadivel in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Discussion - All Versions: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]

Vivek Vadivel has created a new message in the forum "General Discussion - All Versions": -------------------------------------------------------------- Currently I am using  the following to send the data from CVP script  to ICM script.
How do I extend the array to 5?  i.e. adding FromExtVXML[4] so that I can pass the data back to ICM script using FromExtVXML[4].
I am using CVP 8.5
Thanks in advance.
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Subject: RE: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]
Replied by: Keith Adams on 08-11-2012 02:09:45 PM
You can have more than one value in each array element
In FromExtVXML[0] in CVP use a delimiter like a semicolin so FromExtVXML[0] = {value1;value2}
In an ICM set node use the before or after function like so - before(";",Call.user.microapp.FromExtVXML[0]) for the value before the semicolon.  after() for the one after.  These can be nested to get even more in there.

Subject: RE: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]
Replied by: Asher Schweigart on 08-11-2012 02:51:26 PM
As stated, you have to use seperators to put more than one value in each VXML array. I use the '|' character, since I can safely assume that none of my data will ever use that character. Also, I find the best way to read it in ICM is to strip the first value off of FromExtVXML, like so:
VXML[0] form CVP = John|Doe|1234567
Set PV1 = before("|", FromExtVXML[0])
Set FromExtVXML[0] = after("|", FromExtVXML[0])
Set PV2 = before("|", FromExtVXML[0])
Set FromExtVXML[0] = after("|", FromExtVXML[0])
Set PV3 = FromExtVXML[0]
Now, PV1 = firstname, PV2 lastname, PV3 customer ID #
Now to cross my fingers and hope the forum doesn't screw up this nicely formatted post!

Subject: RE: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]
Replied by: Janine Graves on 15-11-2012 01:39:46 AM
Hi Mark, I think you had to do this to increase the size of the ToExtVXML array from 4 rows to 5 rows. The max size of the ToExtVXML arrray is 5 rows by 210 chars in each row. And CCB needed 5 rows by 60 chars per row.
Vivek, The ONLY data that you can configure VXMLServer to return to ICM is caller_input and the FromExtVXML array.
The max size of the caller_input is 210 chars and the  max size of the FromExtVXML array is 4 rows by 210 chars per row.
Mark's directions are correct if you need to add a row to either the ToExtVXML or the FromExtVXML.
Since you already have the max number of rows defined for your FromExtVXML array, you'll have to follow the other instructions provided and pack all your data into your calleri_input and FromExtVXML array by using some delimiter (like |) and then parse the data using ICM's substring, before, and after functions.

Subject: RE: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]
Replied by: Mark Pareja on 15-11-2012 01:13:59 AM
I recently ran into this problem when implementing CCB. After reaching an a greement with Cisco DE we decided that modification of the ecc variable array size within the logger DB was the safest direction to go. 

1.) UpDate Logger Databases
....1a.) execute SQL query on LOGGER-A
UPDATE t_Expanded_Call_Variable
SET MaximumArraySize=5
FROM t_Expanded_Call_Variable
WHERE ExpandedCallVariableID='xxxx'  <-- VarID of FromExtVXML
....1b.) execute SQL query on LOGGER-B 
UPDATE t_Expanded_Call_Variable
SET MaximumArraySize=5
FROM t_Expanded_Call_Variable
WHERE ExpandedCallVariableID='xxxx'  <-- VarID of FromExtVXML
3.) Stop all processes on VRU PG's (a & then start them back up. This will force the VRU PG's to absorbe the new ECC array size. 


In my contact center I have 2 VRUPG pairs that service 4-PIMS (one for each CVP CallServer) I was able to use SIP proxy to route traffic to only 2 CVP Call servers at the sister site while I stopped and started the procs on the VRUPG's at the "A" site. I then repeated the same process for the "B" site thus insuring that no service inturruptions occured. I'm in a very large HA architecture and this was fairly simple. 

If you are in a smaller deployment you will have to schedule some downtime to restart the VRUPG's (5 min max) to stop the ICM processes on both VRUPG's at the same time. 

Subject: RE: New Message from Mark Pareja in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General D
Replied by: GEOFFREY THOMPSON on 15-11-2012 10:28:48 AM
>>>>After reaching an a greement with Cisco DE we decided that modification of the ecc variable array size within the logger DB was the safest direction to go.

Thanks for the SQL commands to do that.


Subject: RE: New Message from Janine Graves in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 15-11-2012 10:54:48 AM
That is correct.  If your value for FromExtVXML array is already 4 then you need to work method listed in the thread.

From: Cisco Developer Community Forums []
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 1:40 AM
Subject: New Message from Janine Graves in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General Discussion - All Versions: RE: How to extend the array FromExtVXML[]

Janine Graves has created a new message in the forum "General Discussion - All Versions": -------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Mark, I think you had to do this to increase the size of the ToExtVXML array from 4 rows to 5 rows. The max size of the ToExtVXML arrray is 5 rows by 210 chars in each row. And CCB needed 5 rows by 60 chars per row.
Vivek, The ONLY data that you can configure VXMLServer to return to ICM is caller_input and the FromExtVXML array.
The max size of the caller_input is 210 chars and the  max size of the FromExtVXML array is 4 rows by 210 chars per row.
Mark's directions are correct if you need to add a row to either the ToExtVXML or the FromExtVXML.
Since you already have the max number of rows defined for your FromExtVXML array, you'll have to follow the other instructions provided and pack all your data into your calleri_input and FromExtVXML array by using some delimiter (like |) and then parse the data using ICM's substring, before, and after functions.

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Subject: RE: New Message from Janine Graves in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Vivek Vadivel on 15-11-2012 11:12:18 AM
Thank you Mark and all others!!
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