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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: null on 22-01-2007 04:11:56 PM

working with banks is pretty painful and they are tough on what they want, so another request which has to be dealt with is logging of sensitive information.

I know you can lower the logging level but financial institutes like to know routes through their applications so activity logging needs to be there so its a no go. I know you can write a custom component too but its silly and means more code requiring maintenace.

Therefore I think its time an option was added into elements to disable speech or DTMF result logging into files, a check box/radio button etc.

So please also add this to your feature/enhancement list because in my mind this kind of thing needs to be there for financial clients.

Subject: RE: Logging of sensitive information
Replied by: Michael Bochynski on 23-01-2007 04:03:51 PM
Hi Karl,

The feature request of disabling logging on a per-element basis is already logged in our internal system with the issue id of CSCzc20779.

Please refer to this issue number when inquiring about the status of this feature.


Subject: RE: Logging of sensitive information
Replied by: null on 26-01-2007 10:24:40 AM

My next question is, when will this be possible? I guess I'll direct that at your account management team as all this is direct feedback from customers Mike.

Subject: RE: Logging of sensitive information
Replied by: Michael Bochynski on 26-01-2007 02:21:12 PM

That's correct. Please contact the account management team for specific dates and versions when this feature will be available.

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