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Level 11
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Created by: BRUCE SHAVER on 10-06-2010 08:15:35 PM
We have a current customer who has Speech Self-Service in using a CVP Studio built VXML Server app.
They are now looking at offering this same self-service functionality at Kiosk's and maybe also rolling it out to mobile phone users.
Since I can find very little information in documentation about how to configure/build these types of applications, I have the following questions:
Is there any sample apps for these types of Video self service?
Is there any documentation around the ICM scripting for them?
Is the application really built on the Radvision IVP platform and just called by the ICM, thus making it neccessary to rebuild the app instead of modifying the Studio app to handle ASR,dtmf, and Video with touch screen menus?
Any info is appreciated, as pretty much all I can find is marketing videos and what is specified in the SRND which doesn't help when it comes to application building.

Subject: RE: Looking for information on scripting for Video Self-Service.
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 16-07-2010 06:06:07 PM
We have a current customer who has Speech Self-Service in using a CVP Studio built VXML Server app.
They are now looking at offering this same self-service functionality at Kiosk's and maybe also rolling it out to mobile phone users.
Since I can find very little information in documentation about how to configure/build these types of applications, I have the following questions:
Is there any sample apps for these types of Video self service?
Is there any documentation around the ICM scripting for them?
Is the application really built on the Radvision IVP platform and just called by the ICM, thus making it neccessary to rebuild the app instead of modifying the Studio app to handle ASR,dtmf, and Video with touch screen menus?
Any info is appreciated, as pretty much all I can find is marketing videos and what is specified in the SRND which doesn't help when it comes to application building.
From cvp perspective it is like building another voice application with ICM scripts. You just need to built a applet or an application for the kiosk/mobile that will make a call to the IVR. There is no special scripts for CVP or ICM. The only thing different and special is the calling mechanism.
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