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Level 11
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Created by: RICHARD FOLTZ on 13-06-2013 09:57:57 AM
I am running SocialMiner 9.0(1) with COP 3 installed, and the SQL commands run per the field notice to update the twitter URLs. I created the Twitter Stream feed, and I can save it. But nowhere does it ask to authorize, there is no "Save and Reauthorize" button as the documentation references. I have the accounts twitter page opened in the same browser. Not sure what I am missing here, any assistance would be appreciated.

Subject: RE: No Authorization Button on Twitter Stream Creation
Replied by: Mark Rzasa on 13-06-2013 02:49:05 PM
I am running SocialMiner 9.0(1) with COP 3 installed, and the SQL commands run per the field notice to update the twitter URLs. I created the Twitter Stream feed, and I can save it. But nowhere does it ask to authorize, there is no "Save and Reauthorize" button as the documentation references. I have the accounts twitter page opened in the same browser. Not sure what I am missing here, any assistance would be appreciated.

Authorization changes to the Twitter Stream API have broken SocialMiner's Twitter Stream feeds. For the time being, is it possible to use a Twitter Search feed in place of the Twitter Stream feed?

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