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Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Joseph Anderson on 19-06-2010 03:56:23 PM
How do I get the Your WebEx Hosted Name variable? I am trying to send messaes to the XML API, however, I am missing the SiteID variable, which I assume is the WebEx Hosted Name variable? How do I get into the sandbox?

Subject: RE: Sandbox and YourWebEx Hosted Name
Replied by: Kingsley Lewis on 21-06-2010 06:01:44 PM
Hi Joseph,
To get an account on the sandbox site
click on the "Support" tab above. Click on "Try WebEx APIs", you will
have to sign into this site in order to view the content of this page.  A
form will be availabe that you will need to fill out and submit it to
create an account on the sandbox.  Also available on this page are the
siteID, partnerID, and sitename that will be needed to post any XML to
the sandbox. 
Thank you,
Kingsley Lewis
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