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Created by: CHARLES SMITH on 17-03-2009 02:52:18 PM
Does anyone know how you can use SSML tags for TTS with Studio? Just inserting the tags in the audio section of the script causes an error in CVP. Is there a special way of adding those tags so the TTS server can processes them? Say for instance you wanted to slow down or speed up the speech. Or even have it switch from reading to spelling? Like this for an example this will spell out SSML instead of trying to interprit it as a word. <SAY-AS interpret-as="Acronym">SSML</SAY-AS>. How can you use those tags in studio?

Subject: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Janine Graves on 17-03-2009 05:12:57 PM
I have no problem with <say-as> is Studio TTS window. I tried entering
this into my TTS box in Studio and the app deployed fine and I called in
and heard digits from the TTS. Try pasting this into Studio (into the
TTS window):

Testing  <say-as interpret-as="number:digits"> 12445 </say-as>


Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> CHARLES SMITH has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Does anyone know how you can use SSML tags for TTS with Studio? Just
> inserting the tags in the audio section of the script causes an error
> in CVP. Is there a special way of adding those tags so the TTS server
> can processes them? Say for instance you wanted to slow down or speed
> up the speech. Or even have it switch from reading to spelling? Like
> this for an example this will spell out SSML instead of trying to
> interprit it as a word. <SAY-AS interpret-as="Acronym">SSML</SAY-AS>.
> How can you use those tags in studio?
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Â
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Subject: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Janine Graves on 17-03-2009 05:13:59 PM
When I try <say-as interpret-as="acronym">SSML </say-as>
I hear nothing (no error, but the TTS doesn't speak it.

Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> CHARLES SMITH has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Does anyone know how you can use SSML tags for TTS with Studio? Just
> inserting the tags in the audio section of the script causes an error
> in CVP. Is there a special way of adding those tags so the TTS server
> can processes them? Say for instance you wanted to slow down or speed
> up the speech. Or even have it switch from reading to spelling? Like
> this for an example this will spell out SSML instead of trying to
> interprit it as a word. <SAY-AS interpret-as="Acronym">SSML</SAY-AS>.
> How can you use those tags in studio?
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Â
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP&#
Replied by: CHARLES SMITH on 17-03-2009 05:19:31 PM
Hmm in the substitution tag editor it doesn't let you do that. I guess you can't use the say-it-smart. Technicly you don't need that anyway right? I am telling it how to say it haha. Thanks. It works just using it in the Audio/TTS window.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP&a
Replied by: CHARLES SMITH on 17-03-2009 05:57:46 PM
ok so now I have a new problem.
When sending this to the TTS server
<say-as interpret-as="spell">{Data.Session.TaxID}</say-as>
It says it like this "space 1 2 3 4" when "1234" is what I input. So I tested it with a static entry instead of using a variable.
<say-as interpret-as="spell">1234</say-as>
It still says it like "space 1 2 3 4"
There is no space in there. Why is it saying "space"? Arghhh!!!!
If I just send "1234" it says "One thousand thirty four" which is not what I want it to do I want it to say it character by character.
I can't use the number say-as because this will sometimes contain letters too. So if that one works it doesn't help me.

Subject: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Janine Graves on 18-03-2009 12:57:57 PM

I just tried <say-as interpret-as="number" format="digits"> jan123
</say-as> and it worked fine on my TTS - it said "J A N 1 2 3"
It may depend upon your TTS synthesizer, I'm using Loquendo.

Regards, Janine

Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> CHARLES SMITH has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ok so now I have a new problem.
> Â
> When sending this to the TTS server
> Â
> <say-as interpret-as="spell">{Data.Session.TaxID}</say-as>
> Â
> It says it like this "space 1 2 3 4" when "1234" is what I input. So I
> tested it with a static entry instead of using a variable.
> Â
> <say-as interpret-as="spell">1234</say-as>
> Â
> It still says it like "space 1 2 3 4"
> Â
> There is no space in there. Why is it saying "space"? Arghhh!!!!
> Â
> If I just send "1234" it says "One thousand thirty four" which is not
> what I want it to do I want it to say it character by character.
> Â
> I can't use the number say-as because this will sometimes contain
> letters too. So if that one works it doesn't help me.
> Â
> Â
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from CHARLES SMITH in Customer Voice Portal (CVP&#
Replied by: Kamesh Chidambaram on 20-03-2009 07:41:36 PM
I tried using <say-as interpret-as="number" format="digits"> 123 <say-as> It doesnt read digit-by-digit.  I am using RealSpeak TTS.   Using type="spell-out" makes it speak digit by digit, but includes a space in the front.
Charles, Did you get around this problem?
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