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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Jason Gumpert on 12-12-2013 08:43:57 PM
I'm testing the use of the XML API CreateMeetingAttendee to enroll a person in an event. But my events are part of a program that requires custom fields. Attendees see these fields when they use the default WebEx session registraiotn form.  

Can I pass the custom fields as part of the CreateMeetingAttendee XML API call? Or another function? I've looked through the documentation but can't find a schema that supports it.   I see that custom fields can be seen via the GetEnrollmentInfo call but I see nowhere else in the documentation to enable the setting of custom fields.  

Subject: RE: XML API to Create/Enroll an Attendee with custom fields
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 13-12-2013 11:54:21 AM

     CreateMeetingAttendee doesn't support custom fields. Some available fields that may be used for custom data are Company, Title, Notes, depending on what information you are already collecting and what you can dedicate to other values. URL API enrollment command does support custom text fields, but does not support events that are in a program. 

Subject: RE: XML API to Create/Enroll an Attendee with custom fields
Replied by: Jason Gumpert on 13-12-2013 12:46:03 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. This was what I feared.  It sounds like a straight forward gap in the API's capabilities. Is there any way to request this gets added in a future version?  

I will look at using Notes for that this purpose, hopefully it is not too limited in terms of length.

Subject: RE: XML API to Create/Enroll an Attendee with custom fields
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 13-12-2013 01:04:48 PM

     There is an old request to support events in a program via URL API but URL API hasnt been updated in several WebEx versions. You could use standalone events and link them as part of a program within your integration instead of WebEx, which would allow the URL API command m.php?AT=EN to work. CreateMeetingAttendee will not be modified to support custom enrollment values because its primary function is inviting attendees and only supports registration/enrollment as an added feature via the joinStatus value. A request to support traditional Enrollment via XML API has now been submitted.
Level 1
Level 1

If you use the URL API, on page 2-152, the AT=EN command accepts custom fields that are textbox. They are passed as TextBox1=value1&TextBox2=value, up to 15 values. I have yet to figure out a way to do it with custom fields that are checkboxes or radio buttons

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