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The AutoQoS — VoIP feature allows you to automate the delivery of quality of service (QoS) on your network and provides a means for simplifying the implementation and provisioning of QoS for Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic. It simplifies network administration, reducing OPEX and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO); this makes QoS cheaper, faster, and safer to deploy. Applications for Cisco AutoQoS include VoIP, AVVID, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), or any task requiring deployment of QoS on hundreds or even thousands of devices.

Cisco AutoQoS incorporates value-added intelligence in Cisco IOS Software and Catalyst OS Software to provision and manage large-scale QoS deployments. It delivers, in a highly consumable form, the knowledge that Cisco has acquired over years of best practice, and makes it available to organizations short on time, resources, or technically skilled staff. Cisco AutoQoS can reduce the deployment cost and time frame by as much as two-thirds, when compared to a manual approach.

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