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Level 7






The agent is unable to log in. After the agent clicks OK on the Login dialog box, an error message appears that indicates one likely cause. The CAD-BE log file lists the message “CADBE3003: Unable to login agent. Cause <error code:error description>.”





If the error message is “Invalid agent ID/name and/or password”:-



  • The wrong agent ID/name and/or password was entered. Try logging in again. If the error message appears again, reenter the agent password in Unified CCX Administration.


  • The agent is configured correctly in Unified CCX, but the Sync service has not synchronized the CAD LDAP database with Unified CCX. Verify that the Sync service is running. In Desktop Administrator, manually synchronize Directory Services, then verify that the agent exists under the        Personnel node.


  • In Unified CCX,verify that Enable CTI Application Use check box is selected for the agent user ID.If the error message is “Invalid phone           configuration”:Wrong phone extension was entered. Try again and enter the correct information.


  • Make sure the phone is associated with the Unified CCX agent and the agent’s phone is associated with the RmCm provider in Unified CM.


  • Phone is not pointing to the correct Unified CM server.


  • Verify that the Unified CM server is online and that the agent’s phone is in service and points to the same Unified CM (or Unified CM cluster) as     Unified CCX.


If the error message is “No team found for agent”:-


  • Agent does not belong to a team in Unified CCX. Associate the agent with a team in Unified CCX.


The agent was configured correctly in Unified CCX but the Sync service has not synchronized the CAD LDAP database with Unified CCX. Verify that the Sync service is running. In Desktop Administrator, verify that the agent exists and belongs to the correct team.


If the error message is “CTI service is offline”:-


  • Make sure the CTI service is running and active again.If the error message is “Invalid state change”:


  • The agent is attempting to change to Ready state after logging in while there was an active call. Drop the call and try again.


If the error message is “CTI request timeout”:-


  • The network may be slow.If the error message is “LRM service is down”.


  • Start the LRM service if it is down.If the error message is “No more licenses”.


  • Wait a few minutes and retry.


  • One or more CAD-BE agents might have exited their browsers without logging out first. Those sessions will continue to use up licenses for one minute after the browser exits.


  • One or more agents logged out of extension mobility without logging out from Agent Desktop, CAD-BE or IP Phone Agent. These agents are still   logged in but in Not Ready state. Agent Desktop will continue to use the licenses until the application exits.


IP Phone Agent will continue to use the licenses until the BIPPA service is restarted or until the agents login again and logout properly. CAD-BE       will continue to use the licenses until the agents log out or one minute after CAD-BE is closed.


  • Execute the CLI command show uccx cad license usage to locate clients using licenses.


If the error message is “Forced login failed”:-


  • The agent is using an agent ID that is already logged in on another extension, or using an extension that is already logged in with a different agent ID. Forced logins work only for the same ID/extension pair. Use a different agent ID or extension, or find the other user and have that user log out.



For LRM service that is down:-


  • Start the LRM service if it is down.
  • The LRM service will not become active until CAD Configuration Setup runs successfully. Complete CAD Configuration Setup.
  • Desktop Administrator, Agent Desktop, or Supervisor Desktop was installed on the same computer as the CAD services. They clear a registry key (IOR Hostname under Site Setup) required by the BIPPA service. Set the registry to the IP address of the CAD services computer.




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