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Level 10


I hope this document be useful for all my friends .

1-Why i have to use streaming server?.

You have two options for file hosting locations:-

  • 1-       1st option locally on SNS: If you select this option you have to enter the password for AAI. If you upload any file it will upload locally on SNS server. In this option you won’t need to use streaming file, because SNS will acts as streaming file .This is not recommended because uploading  files are locally on SNS , and the limited size for the uploading videos.
  • 2-      2nd option uploading your videos on external storage, the storage size is based on your videos size which will be uploaded on the present and on the future .In this option you have to use streaming server as “Wowza or Adobe “. Without streaming server, you will find after uploading a file on SNS it will store on the external storage, but you will not be able to play the video, so you have to integrate your SNS with streaming server.

2-How Can i set integration between Cisco SNS and Wowza?.

  • 1-      You have to get the requirements of the streaming server, and this will be based the number of users who will hit the Wowza . Recommendation to use two servers which will be used as a cluster to handle requests which will come in from users. You can find the minimum requirements for the server which will be used as Wowza server:-


  • 2-      You have to enable some services on the your Wowza severs as the below:-  
    • a-      The HTTP server will be use for miscellaneous content and WMV format video.
    • b-      Wowza Media Server will be service H.264 (MP4) and FLV content via RTMP.
    • c-       FTP Service home directory points to external storge will allow for Show and Share to FTP user uploaded content to the NAS drive

  • 3-      For external storage , we have two options to use SAN or NAS storage . A NAS is a single storage device that operates on data files, while a SAN is a local network of multiple devices that operate on disk blocks. You can use NAS storage to upload videos from SNS  , and on the other hand you can use SAN for the backup media for the services which are running through your network.

Thanks for your reading my document .

Note: My next document will show the integration between streaming server step by step , with troubleshooting and test.


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Level 1

Thanks for your document , i am waiting for your next release .

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