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Jorge Armijo
Level 4
Level 4

CME: Cisco Jabber for Apple iPhone

If you're new to Jabber clients on CME, here is some really useful information and docuementation:

Jabber for iPhone:

CME 8.6 was the first CME version supporting iOS devices (iPhone, iPod). Some time ago the Cisco client was named "Cisco Mobile" and the version 8.1 was the one supported by then:

Now a days, we have CME 9.1 released:

The latest Jabber client is 9.1.1 wich provides support for iOS 6.0 abd 6.1:

Here's the configuration example for CME:

Configure SIP CME:

voice service voip

allow-connections sip to sip


  registrar server expires max 1200 min 300

voice register global

mode cme

source-address x.x.x.x

max-dn 10

max-pool 10

authenticate all

tftp-path flash:

create profile

file text

voice register dn  1

number 5000

voice register pool  1

registration-timer max 720 min 660

id mac [xxxx.xxxx.xxxx]

session-transport tcp

type CiscoMobile-iOS

number 1 dn 1

dtmf-realy rtp-nte

username [xxxx] password [xxxx]

codec g711ulaw

Then, in your iPhone you just have to specify the basic settings; Device ID (SEP+iPhone Mac Address), TFTP server and if you have authentication enabled the username and password.

Screenshots for Jabber configuation:

1)Open Jabber:

photo 1.PNG

2)Select "Enter Account Settings" and select "Begin"

photo 2.PNG

3)Select "Continue" for the Unified Communications Manager:

photo 3.PNG

4)Complete the Account Setings:


photo 4.PNG

5)As we are focusing on the Jabber Registration with CME, I'll not configure the extra settings.

photo 5.PNG



-Desk Phone integration is not supported on CME, only CUCM


I have capture a sniffer trace on the CME to show the registration process, here it is:



I hope this document will help you, and if you have any comments or you think I'm missing something feel free to post a comment and I'll add further information or make corrections accordingly.   


Jorge Armijo

Jorge Armijo
Level 4
Level 4

Hi All,

As I already mentioned, I created this doc to provide simple steps on how to Register a Jabber Client on iPhone with CME, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment, I'll be more than glad to update/correct the content if neccesary.


Jorge Armijo

Sergio Garrido
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jorge Armijo,

We have a version 9.1 CME, we recorded Jabber for iPhone following his tutorial, it's great. I have a query, I need to install and configure Cisco Jabber for Android. We tried to configure the CME JabberAndroid type but could not pass the check step in the application. 
Could you help me with this please 
I'll be very grateful


Sergio Garrido

Level 1
Level 1



A friend of mine told me that he had Desk Phone integration with jabber with CME, can you confirm this is not possible?


Thanks in advance

Jorge Armijo
Level 4
Level 4

There's no official support on CME for Android Jabber:




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