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Created by: AH Kumar on 10-10-2013 07:49:21 PM
When I am trying to convert .arf file to mp4 with  nbr2mp4 library at my home liunx machine, I found below issue 

"Converting /users/ahk/nbr2_mp4/test.arf to /users/ahk/nbr2_mp4/test.mp4Retrieving video data, fps=5..." To my surprise mp4 is not created in that directory and there is no error also

It would be great If I can get some answers  for
1.  Is there any solution to above problem
2. Is there any similar API on windows to convert .arf file to mp4.

Subject: RE: converting  .arf to mp4
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 11-10-2013 12:17:35 PM

     The NBR playback application for Windows can be used to convert ARF to MP4, WMV, or FLV. The technical support team can assist with conversion issues with these tools.

Subject: RE: converting  .arf to mp4
Replied by: AH Kumar on 14-10-2013 08:20:19 PM
Nathan Morrow:

     The NBR playback application for Windows can be used to convert ARF to MP4, WMV, or FLV. The technical support team can assist with conversion issues with these tools.

Thanks Nathan your the quick reply. Let me talk to the technical support team.

AH Kumar,

I am trying to do the same but I feel so left alone. What linux machine are you using, I am trying the same on 3.8.0-44-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu  x86_64 GNU/Linux but get the error

/nbr2_mp4/nbr2mp4: line 124: 15826 Segmentation fault      ./nbrplay "$file_arf"

ldd nbr2_mp4/nbr_play tells me that all libs are installed


My company pays about 900 USD every month for webex but there is no real help when trying to integrate recoring sessions into workflows. All I want is the mp4 of teh recordings! And why did they drop the commandline converting support on windows? I just don't get it


Level 1
Level 1

Stefan and AH Kumar, I am also frustrated by the lack of support for the nbr2mp4 command line converter.

AH Kumar, I am seeing the same thing as you. Have tried Fedora, Ubuntu 9 (per their support documentation for the tool) and Ubuntu 14 (earliest still-supported build). All three give the same thing you see.

I looked at the nbr2mp4 and nbrplay shell scripts and figured out that file data is saved to /tmp during that process - and if I run ./nbr2mp4 can confirm that it actually puts data into a file in that path. The file is playable in VLC if you copy it out as it's building. But the problem is that it never stops building. I have a 0:30 ARF file that was going for hours yesterday, and it never stopped, it just kept growing.

Something is wrong with the converter and Cisco just doesn't support it. Frustrating.

If you were perchance able to get your issue fixed, please let me know how. I would love to be able to use this tool for our users.

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