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Haiya Li
Level 1
Level 1

The first question is that I set the irp address the same subnet as the internal virtual machines,but the public address not

the same subnet as the internal virtual machines.

Is this  ok?

The webex server hostname is,;

the admin site url is ,,

the user site is,,

the irp server hostname is,,

the public address is

Now when I login the user site "" from the internet ,it rediect to the ,it will take two public


When I login the user site in my company ,it is also rediect to the ""

Is this right?


The second question is in the "Internal Internet Reverse Proxy Network Topology" and "Non-Split-Horizon Network Topology",the internal users login the webex user site ,it will Resolve the IP Address to the Public address,but,when i deploy the system,the webex user site and the admin site ,they all resolved the IP Address to the private address,so when I am in the company,I login the user site ,the dns will resolve the url to the private address not the public address,so I am really very confused.....

Do I have to remove the DNS resolution records "" and change it to the ""???


Haiya Lee.

Arun Kumar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

For your first Question please see this link:

In brief "

This public VIP address must be on the same subnet as the Internet Reverse proxy."

Here re-direction is correct and no need to worry.

When you inside the company you will always go to Private VIP (user site url) and when you outside company and you point to Public VIP (which is mapped to user site url too).

You just need to create one public DNS mapping for user site url to public IP so user site is accessible from outside.

Please let us know if you got any furhter question?

Haiya Li
Level 1
Level 1

The second question is in the “Non-Split-Horizon Network Topology” situation.

Haiya Li
Level 1
Level 1

Our partner used the NAT, and they used one ip address for "" ,because the url rediected to the "",so they also used one ip address for "",so they used two ip addresses..They complain about this situation. I have downloaded the ppt (about the irp ),and I visited the url: in the ppt,it is not rediected to the other url,it goes to : ,so they only need one public address..  I wanted to make sure whether it is because the public VIP IP address is not on the same subnet as the Internet Reverse proxy.

If I changed the irp address to the same subnet as the Internet Reverse proxy.when I visit the, it will not rediected to

Srdjan Ciric
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Haiya,

Were you able to resolve the issue?

I would like to make sure all is resolved.

Please feel free to reachout to me.



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