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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This will help you resolve the error "Host not Found" in CallManager 8.x where the ITL files are causing that the phones losses trust with the servers.

Please keep in mind that so far there is no way to know why the ITL files change in most of the scenarios due to CSCtx26418

We have been seeing these issues basically in the following situations:

Certificate regeneration without the proper follow up procedure(restarting CUCM, TVS, TFTP, resetting phones). Certificates can be regenerated explicitly by users through CLI or UI or the regeneration can be triggered by a change in the server network configuration (hostname, ip or domain name changes). In 8.6, we have implemented a more automatic handling of certificates regeneration. TFTP automatically detects the change and phones are also automatically reset so user intervention is not required.


DRS restore sometimes causes sync problems between the file system and the database. Normally, certificates are stored both in the file system and the database and they should be in sync. If they are not, problems as the one observed here would occur.

Not as frequent but we have seen problems with particular sequences of upgrade due to the delay in sync'ing up different copies of the database in the cluster. After upgrading a subscriber, it takes some delay for its copy to sync up with the Pub's. As a result, different copies of the database might not have all the current certificates thus causing problems in the generation of the ITL File. This can be a problem in deployments where the TFTP runs on a sub.

To resolve this in Bulk:

Download from:

Customer may request a Trial to get full access for around 30 days after product installation.

In CallManager configure an Application/End User with CTI Enabled group and associate all phones to it.

- If LDAP is used create an App User

- If no LDAP then create an End User.

- Make sure CTI Manager and AXL services are started in the Pub.

After installation then configure the SW.

1- Configure PhoneView.

               - Click in Group> Add


2- Enter the information required; The IP address must be the Publisher.


3- Click in the CTI settings TAB and enable CTI. The Publisher IP address will auto populate


4- Click in Test Settings and a confirmation will appear. Click OK and then save.


5- Accept to retrieve the Cluster Settings in the next pop up.


6- Phones will appear in the screen and display the basic settings. Click in the Log window to see the messages.


7- To verify the ITL status of the phones, click in Device Info, this will allow the PhoneView app to start

collecting the information.

               TIP= Select all phones at once (CTRL + A).

               You will see that the ITL status check has a “+” now. Expand to see the amount of devices with



8- Check the option that says “Failed”. This will filter the devices in the screen and only show the phones with

problems. Select all phones and then Click in “Hard Reset”

                    Hard reset is optional but recommended. Any phone after a hard reset will come with the settings

                    locked, this will allow you to select all phones and click later on in “Unlock” and then delete ITL files.


9- Click in “Unlock Settings” and then click in Delete ITL file from the menus.




- “Unable to create provider” Login Timeout

If using LDAP there may be some sort of issues with the Authentication. To solve this, use an Application user.

Level 1
Level 1

Does this require web access setting to be enabled on the ip phone?

No it does not.

It is done via CTI

Level 1
Level 1

Yes, we actually figured out how to this via JTAPI.

Community Member

What if the phone device settings are set to "Restricted"  will the CTI control of the phone allow the deletion of the ITL files?

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