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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

If the user deletes some messages and immediately tries to listen to those deleted messages through the Telephony User Interface (TUI), there is no problem. The Deleted Items option is offered, and the user can hear them.

However, after about two hours, the Deleted Items option is not played through TUI.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Exchange System Manager and set the "Keep deleted items for (days)"  to 1 or 2  as required.        
    1. In your Cisco Unity server, go to Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > System Manager.           
    2. Expand Servers > expand your Cisco Unity server > expand First Storage Group. ?li>          
    3. Right-click on Mailbox Store. Select Properties.             
    4. Go to the Limits tab > Deletion Settings, and change "Keep deleted items for (days)" from 0 days to 1 or 2 days. 
  2. Go into Tools Depot > Message Store Manager tool.      
    1. Check the Flush Deleted Items agent. If it is inactive, activate it and configure it to start flushing one-day old messages at 1:00 am on a  daily basis.         
    2. In Exchange System Manager, the Do not permantly delete mailboxes and items until the store has been backed up checkbox is unchecked. 
  3. On the MSM tool, go to Tools > Mailstore access.       
    1. Check to see that Grant access is Yes.         
    2. The Flush Deleted Items script should be running under the Cisco Unity Admin account.            
    3. Make sure that the Cisco Unity Admin account password is set for this account. If it is not set, configure a password and activate the script again. 

For further information on retrieving deleted mails refer the document How to retrieve a deleted voice mail message from Cisco Unity.


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