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Level 11
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Created by: Janine Graves on 04-10-2008 01:31:34 AM
In the CVP 7 Studio/VXML Server User's Guide I see a LOT of information and capabilities available using the 'JMX' interface. This includes changing default audio path, changing session timeout, get/set Global Data, viewing statistics such as number of calls since startup, etc.

Is any of this functionality already built into the Ops Console? Or does it all require custom Java to use?

Is there any plan for Cisco to build some of this functionality into the Ops Console (or some other web browser-based tool), if it's not already part of the Ops Console?

Subject: Re: VXML Server JMX Capabilities
Replied by: Vance Vagell on 13-10-2008 02:49:03 PM
Hi Janine,

These JMX operations and information are finer-grained than the functionality exposed via the Ops console, and are highly VXML Server-specific. You could view these JMX options as an adjunct to the Ops console, intended for VXML Server administrators.

If you'd prefer to access this functionality via a graphical interface rather than code, you can easily connect to VXML Server via any JMX client (such as jConsole, which comes with Sun Java). Using your client of choice you can access this data, change its values, and execute exposed operations.


Subject: Re: VXML Server JMX Capabilities
Replied by: Janine Graves on 14-10-2008 02:07:52 PM
Hi Vance,

I'd like to try this using the Jconsole on my windows-based Vxml Server (cvp7) - where everything's installed using default installation settings.

The User's Guide (ref manual says that I need to modify the java command and use 'java'

where do I enter this parameter, and is there an appname after the parameter that I need to enter?

Is it in the tomcat/bin/startup.bat file?

Subject: Re: VXML Server JMX Capabilities
Replied by: Matthias Neubacher on 14-10-2008 02:13:11 PM
Guten Tag,

vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich bin bis einschließlich 16.10. auf Geschäftsreise und habe nur eingeschränkten Zugriff auf meine E-Mails. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an oder +49 6252 67 44 44.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Matthias Neubacher

thanks for your e-mail. I'm out of the office till 10/16/2008 and have limited access to my e-mail account. In urgent cases please contact or +49 6252 67 44 44

Best regards,

Matthias Neubacher

Subject: Re: VXML Server JMX Capabilities
Replied by: Janine Graves on 14-10-2008 02:19:05 PM
Hi Vance,

I believe I found that the -D parameter should go into the catalina.bat file.

But, there is no jconsole.exe installed on the Vxml Server box. Should it be, since it's part of Java5?

Subject: Re: VXML Server JMX Capabilities
Replied by: Vance Vagell on 20-10-2008 03:01:37 PM
Hi Janine,

That's right, that Java parameter should be applied to the JVM that's running Tomcat.

In regards to jConsole, it only comes with the JDK installations of Java (not the JRE). If you'd like to use that, just download a JDK from Sun.

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