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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

When this problem occurs, all users can be viewed but new users cannot be added.

After an integration of Cisco CallManager with the Active Directory (AD), users can be added through the AD, but not through the Cisco CallManager interface. This is the default configuration, but this  can be changed to allow the addition of users through the CCM Administration page


To resolve this problem, set the diraccess flag to True in C:\dcdsrvr\config\UMDirectoryConfiguration.ini. This action enables the addition or deletion of users in the customer directory through the Administration page in CCM 4.0(1) and later versions.

For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCef00533.

Sometimes, the Unrecognized error/Access denied error message appears during an attempt to import a user from MS Exchange or AD.

This issue occurs due to security permission issues in MS Exchange. In case Users are in an organizational unit to which Cisco Unity does not have access, run the AD synchronization with DohPropTest. Also run the Permissions Wizard. After this is done, users can be imported successfully.

Also refer to Importing and Creating Subscribers In Cisco Unity.

Problem Type

Call control software  (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

Call Control


CallManager Features

Directory integration

Bad operational behavior, status,information, performance, delay or other CCM failure

CallManager plugins and tools

Failure Type

Error message

Cannot create, add, assign, calculate, modify, update, record, delete, eliminate,hide, remove, purge, save or extend

Frequency and Scope of Symptom

Occurs only during or after a specific event

Changes and Events

Changed directory structure

Directory Errors

The phone administrator is currently not allowed to add or delete users

CallManager Versions

CallManager 4.0

CallManager 4.1

CallManager Configuration, Administration, Accounts and Passwords


Browsers, PC Applications, Web Servers and Search Engines


Mail Packages

Microsoft Exchange

LDAP Directory

Active directory

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