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Level 1
Level 1

I am facing dialing out from lync client to PSTN number.

- I have two voice gateway , One voice gateway are located at head office and second voice gateway are located remote branch via MPLS link.

- When I  dialing any PSTN number from lync clent through the  head office gateway its working but when we are dialing via remote gateway its not working and I am getting below error on lync server.

"Gateway responded with 404 Not Found (User Not Found)";component="MediationServer";SipResponseCode="404";SipResponseText="Not Found";sip-reason="Q.850;cause=1"

created a route pattern to point to remote gateway, When I am dialing via ip phone to remote branch PSTN number its working, But from lync server its not possible. I am not getting any debug on remote gateway when calls are dialing from lync server.

If any one face the same issue please reply me.

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