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Jabber for windows 11.0 has the problem reporting method modified where Administrator can decided whether the PRT should be always left as Detailed level or basic or it can be enabled on user basis.

This document describers how this can be achieved using the new config parameter added in 11.0 version




The Config key to set the log level is : LogWritingDesktop

The possible values for LogWritingDesktop are = Always, UserCanEnable or Never



<config version="1.0">



Logs are always set to DEBUG level.  Option to change the log level to basic will not be available in jabber user interface under file -- help. The "Enable Detailed logging" cannot be unchecked with this config value.


Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 10.53.47 PM.png


The logs are saved to disk space C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Logs and will not be wiped out or removed anytime diskspace unless jabber reset performed by user.




<config version="1.0">



Jabber user interface will have an option to enable / disbale detailed logging under file -- Help -- Enable detailed logging.


Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 10.06.29 PM.png


When this config parameter is set for jabber, the default log level is set to basic. User to enable or disable detailed level logging based on requirement.


At Detailed, the in-memory buffer is flushed to disk once full, and is at DEBUG level. In below screeshot can see jabber.txt file is created once enabled detailed logging. Where as in basic this no files will be pushed to C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Logs


Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 10.08.45 PM.png



When leaving Detailed level or resetting Jabber, all logs on disk are wiped like below. Can see the jabber.txt file is deleted from the disk.


Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 10.08.45 PM.png   

Note : Make sure to collect PRT before you disable "Enabled detailed logging". Disbaling the detailed logging will wipe out the genearted logs.



<config version="1.0">



UI for changing level is available, and defaults to Basic.  When a PRT is manually initiated by user, immediately in-memory logs are flushed to a temporary file and that will create jabber.txt file in disk (C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Logs), This file will be deleted automatically as soon as the PRT is completely generated and saved by user. In this mode there will not be any files written to disk though detailed logging enabled.


Note :

If this config key is not configured and jabber is just installed, there will not be any option shown related to log levels. Basicllay the UI will not have "Enabled detailed logging" showing.


Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 11.23.06 PM.png


With this method the logs will be in detailed level as will start write to disk as soon as logged into jabber.


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