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Level 4
Level 4

I'm a believer! I've seen Spark grow from an internal proof of concept into a rapidly evolving business tool that really does change the way organisations collaborate with their customers and partners. For me the true power of the cloud is that it breaks down the inter company and business to consumer barriers that have previously existed with traditional on premise solutions. In my opinion this is interesting because as important as internal productivity is, most Enterprises will be more successful by communicating better with the people who buy from them, or help them take their products/services to market.

One of the activities I’ve been engaged upon to help my colleagues “learn” more about Spark is the production of a number of short “home-made” video demonstrations. My aim has been simply to showcase new client and platform capabilities as they become available. They have been pretty well received by my teammates so I thought they might also be of general interest to a wider community.

With that said I’ve posted the content I’ve created this far and will use this blog to add additional videos as they become available. I’m also happy to take requests and will either endeavour to deliver a demo, or provide a valid reason why I can’t.

So here goes:

Using the Spark Calendar Connector

The Calendar Connector hybrid service integrates into Exchange to allow users to easily create Spark rooms and schedule WebEx meetings from their calendars.

Video Link : 14808

Spark Instagram Integration via IFTTT

It is now possible to use Spark APIs to integration our Team Rooms with Enterprise business applications. Check out the developer site to learn more. All you need is a Spark login. As well as custom developments Spark also allows a multitude of “out the box” integrations with well know consumer applications. The video below shows how easy it is to connect into the Instragram community!

Video Link : 14754

Spark Box Integration

This video shows how I can share files from Spark even when I’m mobile. The Box integration is fully integrated into the Cisco service.

Video Link : 14755

Spark Important Filter

The Important Filter has been designed to overcome any potential noise that is generated when participating in a large number of team rooms. In reality not all conversations are equal. By marking team rooms are Important it allows a user to rapidly navigate to their priority content.

Video Link : 14756

Spark Mentions

Using the @Mention feature of Spark provides a way to directly reference an individual within a Team Room. This then allows that person to be visibly notified that somebody is directing a comment, content or a question straight to them.

Video Link : 14757

Spark Searches

One of the foundational principles of the Spark services is that it is fully encrypted end to end. This actually makes searching for historical content while maintaining security actually quite challenging. The good news is that Spark offers great searching capabilities while still maintaining security.

Video Link : 14758

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