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Catalyst center API client count

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I'm trying to fetch client count statistics via Catalyst API : /dna/data/api/v1/clients/count

I apply basic filtering to only give the count of a certain Building and floor. 

The number i get returned does not match the number I see in Catalyst GUI or WLC. Both Catalyst GUI and WLC DO match so I presume the correct data should be present, somehow at least. The number I get (i tested multiple buildings and floors) is almost double of the actual clients which are present. I already tested with filtering on SSID Any clue what could be happening ? 

8 Replies 8

Wild guess, check if the API is returning real time data or aggregated data over a specific time period. I had a look at the docs quick, but could not see any notes on data refresh intervals.

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I also tried to filter on startime (EPOCH time) but got similar results. Somehow it doesn't add up.

What happens if you collect total client count without any filters and compare it to the GUI/WLC to isolate whether the issue is with the filtering logic, same?

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Yes, the nr. is more or less double of the actual connected clients.

Something does not seem right here, i would suggest asking TAC on this one as you have tried a few options and now the API endpoint need to be inspected to see why this differs so.

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I figured it out. Clients in 'disconnected'  state are also counted. A bit silly if you ask me. so the count API is useless imo. Fetching all clients and then filtering on clients in 'connected' state and perform a count on them did the trick. Would have been nice if the connectedState filter could be used in the API call.

@aflbakker hmm nice caveat, Glad you found it. 

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I use the RESTConf API off the WLC directly. The return on this will include a collection with an entry for every client. If all you need is a count it will be easy enough to get from there.
