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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We are happy to announce the release of a new open-source tool in the NETCONF universe.

Advanced Netconf explorer is a graphical explorer for YANG models supported by a NETCONF device or service orchestrator. Features include:

  • Retrieving all YANG models supported by a device or orchestrator using the NETCONF monitoring standard.
  • Parsing the YANG models (using ODL yangtools) and outputting a tree with all the nodes, which the user can expand / collapse.
  • Filtering the model tree by module name and searching the names and descriptions of the YANG nodes in it (e.g. “neighbor count” or “bgp” “neighbor count”).
  • Downloading a ZIP-Archive of all YANG-models supported by the device or orchestrator.
  • Showing details and generating metadata for a YANG node, e.g. the description, XPath, a subtree-filter (for NETCONF development), MAAGIC paths (for NSO development) etc.
  • IOS XR Telemetry support tools to edit sensor groups and show live data using GRPC.
  • Browsing and searching live (operational) data YANG models.
  • NETCONF console to send raw NETCONF commands for debugging and development purposes.
  • ANC is the basis of the explorer and offers a reusable abstraction for most of the features of NETCONF 1.1 packaged as a Java library which can be used as a stand-alone NETCONF client library.

We have primarily released it to work with NETCONF-enabled devices (like IOS XR) directly, however of course you can use it with orchestrators like NSO too.

Finally code and instructions are here:

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