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Nicklas Wagerth
Community Manager
Community Manager


We're excited to announce that Automation Developer Days begins tomorrow. We've got an action-packed schedule with 32 sessions all about network automation. We'll be covering everything from customer insights to technical deep dives, and the latest trends in service development and operations.

Our annual event has been held in New York since 2017, only pausing in 2019 and 2020 due to COVID-19. The event is all about learning, sharing, and connecting with others interested in network automation.

We've split the event into two tracks paired, with a third day dedicated to hands-on labs. We're also happy to have Data Ductus as our sponsor this year, and they will be hosting the social evening event.

We will be announcing some exciting new features including 5G slicing features in CNC and the pre-launch of the Router Automation Kit. To make sure everyone can benefit from the event, we have pre-recorded all sessions and uploaded them to our YouTube channel. Content from the first day will be available as we start the event on December 5. The second-day content will be released one day later. 

Looking forward to seeing you at future Automation Developer Days events if you cannot join us tomorrow!



Best, Nicklas

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