I got this question by mail and responded. Then I realized it might be of wider interest, so here it is.
Are there any other tools out there for Netconf/YANG configuration that we can play with?
NETCONF clients aka. managers, you mean? There are a few. NSO and ODL are the big systems, and many commercial management/monitoring systems claim some support. Open source there is JNC (https://github.com/tail-f-systems/JNC), NCClient (https://github.com/ncclient/ncclient). MG-SOFT has a browser and studio environment (http://www.mg-soft.com/mgNetConfBrowser.html). Inside Cisco there's YTOOL (https://cisco.jiveon.com/docs/DOC-1040088). IETF maintains a page with NETCONF related implementations (https://trac.ietf.org/trac/netconf/wiki).