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Ashley Herring
Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations and welcome to the start of your ACI journey!


Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re amped-up to start your ACI experience and we’re excited to empower you with relevant content to make this journey all the more helpful. As with all of our products and services, we want to provide you with as much information as possible…without overloading you of course. So why not start with some introductory resources we feel would serve you best in the initial stages of your journey?


Here are the top 4, must-have resources you need to consume before you kick start your ACI adoption process:


1) Fundamentals of Cisco Software-Defined NetworkingACI - Image 1.png

Who doesn’t love a good video to jumpstart a product or service? This video jumps right into explaining the fundamentals of Cisco Software-Defined Networking and how Application Centric Infrastructure is truly the first-of-its-kind, valuable solution which resolves some of our most complex issues regarding data center networks. Listen to our expert discuss how ACI is the first data center solution to combine innovation in software, hardware, systems and ASICs. Learn more here.


2) The Cisco Learning Network: Cisco ACI Introduction

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The Cisco Learning Network is an awesome resource that empower folks just like you in attaining extensive knowledge of Cisco products and services. And what better way to display your expertise than through certifications? But in this video particularly, we have Cisco’s very own Technical Lead, Robert Burns, walking you through the ACI jumpstart training program. This will provide you with greater insight on complex ACI concepts, terminology, navigating through the GUI, configuring basic policies, and much more. Check it out here!


3) Learning Labs: Introduction to ACI Programmability

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Welcome to the DEVNET Learning Labs. What’s so cool about this platform? Glad you asked. Learning Labs directly connects you to useful tutorials covering complex engineering technologies, products, and concepts. And you know what product they cover here? Yep, you guessed it: ACI. Broken down by modules, you’re able to get a step-by-step guide of ACI concepts, programmability options, introduction to the toolkit and much more. Check it out for yourself here.


4) Cisco ACI Simulator Installation Guide

ACI - Image 4.jpgLast but certainly not least, you all need to check out our handy dandy ACI Simulator Installation Guide. This guide primarily focuses on the inner workings of the Application Centric Infrastructure Simulator.  Sure it’s more geared towards data center administrators, but if you’re not an admin, this may still be instrumental to your ACI adoption journey. Want a deeper dive? Check it out here.


In an effort to make sure we’re providing you with top-notch content that’s helpful and most fitting to where you are in your current journey, drop us a comment and let us know if these resources were valuable.


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