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The CloudCenter platform supports integration to various Load Balancers. This document provides information on integration with A10 Lightning ADC and Harmony Controller by creating an external service in CloudCenter.

A10 Lightning ADC is cloud-native and is a software that can be installed on a Linux machine. It is a state-less data-plane device. Configuration of Lightning ADC is fully managed by Harmony Controller that is available as SaaS.

Lightning ADC is purpose-built for containers & micro-services and includes 

  • Advanced traffic management: elastic load balancing, content based switching, AWS zone-based affinity, automated Blue/Green deployments
  • Performance optimization: compression, caching, connection multiplexing
  • Application security: WAF for protecting OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities like sql- injection, XSS, CSRF, protection against bad BOTs, malware, application DDoS attacks

Harmony Controller (SaaS) provides

  • Simplified operations with centralized policy management across AWS regions, clouds and datacenters
  • Visibility into distributed environment with per-application metrics, analytics & insights
  • Automation via APIs & integration's with devops tools 



  • CloudCenter 4.6.x and above

A10 Networks

  • A tenant account on SaaS Harmony Controller
  • Internet connectivity for calling Harmony controller APIs and Installing Lightning ADC software

Service Description

Configuring A10 Lightning ADC consists of various steps

  • Create a Lightning ADC Cluster object in the Harmony Controller and retrieve the cluster ID
  • This cluster ID will be used to install the Lightning ADC instances. All instances with the same cluster ID will become part of the cluster on connection to the Harmony Controller
  • Launch Lightning ADC instances
  • Create a minimal application configuration with default policies in the Harmony Controller and attach the Lightning ADC cluster.

These steps will be divided into 3 services:

  1. Lightning ADC Cluster Creation (External Service)
  2. A10 Lightning ADC (Virtual Machine with agent)
  3. Harmony App Creation (External Service)


Harmony Cluster Creation

To add this service login to CloudCenter as an administrator and click on Admin->Services->Add Service. Use the information listed below to create the service.

Service Type: External Service

Name: Harmony Cluster Creation

Service ID: a10clustercreation

Description: Create a Lightning ADC cluster under the tenant for which credentials. Multiple Lightning ADCs can be launched with one cluster ID. All these Lightning ADCs will form a logical cluster and handle the traffic in active-active configuration.

Category: Custom Service

External Lifecycle Actions:

External Action Bundle: <location of>


     Script from Bundle: controllerservice start

Service Parameters

Parameter Namea10_api_server
Display NameA10 API Server
Default Value
User Options

Parameter Namea10_user
Display NameA10 User
Default Value                                                             
User Options

Parameter Namea10_user_passwd
Display NameA10 User Password
Default Value                                                             
User Options

Deployment Parameters

Parameter Nameprovider
Display NameProvider
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Nametenant
Display NameTenant
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Namecluster_name
Display NameCluster Name
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable


A10 Lightning ADC

To add this service login to CloudCenter as an administrator and click on Admin->Services->Add Service. Use the information listed below to create the service.

Note: You can attach a scaling policy to this tier.

Service Type:Virtual Machine

Name: A10 Lightning ADC

Service ID: a10lightningADC

Description: Install Lightning ADC software on the virtual machine.The launched Lightning ADC will automatically attach itself to the cluster whose cluster ID is provided.

Category: Custom Service

Supported Images: CentOS 7.x

Agent Lifecycle Actions:


     URL: <location of>

Service Parameters

Parameter Namea10_api_server
Display NameA10 API Server
Default Value
User Options

Parameter NameminClusterSize
Display NameMinimum Number of Nodes
Default Value 1                                                        
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter NamemaxClusterSize
Display NameMaximum Cluster Size
Default Value1                                                        
User OptionsVisible, Editable


Harmony App Creation

To add this service login to CloudCenter as an administrator and click on Admin->Services->Add Service. Use the information listed below to create the service.

Service Type: External Service

Name: Harmony App Creation

Service ID: a10appcreation

Description:Create an application and associated configuration hierarchy (with defaults) in Harmony Controller. It also attaches the Lightning ADC cluster to the application and makes it ready to use.

Category: Load Balancer

External Lifecycle Actions:

External Action Bundle: <location of>


     Script from Bundle: controllerservice update


     Script from Bundle: controllerservice start


     Script from Bundle: controllerservice stop

Service Parameters

Parameter Namea10_api_server
Display NameA10 API Server
Default Value
User Options

Parameter Namea10_user
Display NameA10 User
Default Value                                                             
User Options

Parameter Namea10_user_passwd
Display NameA10 User Password
Default Value                                                             
User Options

Deployment Parameters

Parameter Nameprovider
Display NameProvider
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Nametenant
Display NameTenant
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Namecluster_name
Display NameCluster Name
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable


Parameter Nameapp_name
Display NameApplication Name
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Namedomain_name
Display NameDomain Name
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Parameter Nameservice_name
Display NameService Name
Default Value                                                             
User OptionsVisible, Editable

Sample Application

Here is an sample application profile that uses these services:



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